Read the latest updates on the university budget, Board of Regents, and other major UA System news

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  • Capitol Report: May 12, 2020

    May 13, 2020

    Yesterday, the Alaska Legislature approved the final portions of Governor Dunleavy's plan to distribute $1.5 billion the State of Alaska has received in federal Coronavirus financial assistance. This action, by the Legislative Budget & Audit Committee (LB&A), comes after three weeks of review and negotiations by the Legislature and the administration.

  • May 12 budget update

    May 12, 2020

    This week the Audit Committee of the Board of Regents will meet to discuss important budget matters and identify meaningful ways to meet the budget shortfall caused by a number of factors, most notably state funding cuts, enrollment decline, and the fiscal impact of COVID-19. Several weeks ago, the Audit Committee requested a financial plan to include more detail on proposed base reductions and one-time funding from available reserves to meet a total of $45 million in state UGF reduction through FY 2022.

  • In Remembrance of Byron Mallott

    May 12, 2020

    Dear UA Community, I, along with so many of us in Alaska, am deeply saddened by the sudden death of former Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott, a statesman, an elder, and a dear friend. When he died late last week he took with him the burning light of a man who loved his family, a man who served our state in so many remarkable ways, and a man who had a vision for equality and justice for Alaska's Native people and worked tirelessly to achieve it.

  • New federal Title IX guidelines released

    May 07, 2020

    Today the Department of Education released new federal Title IX guidelines that detail procedures universities must follow in cases of sexual harassment and assault on campuses. The rules become effective August 14, 2020. The federal rule changes are extensive, and the university has begun working to assess the new rules and will institute the necessary changes to our policies and procedures.

  • Outside Activities FAQs

    May 05, 2020

    All University of Alaska employees, full or part-time, are subject to the Executive Branch Ethics Act (Ethics Act) and its implementing regulations published by the Department of Law. UA Designated Ethics Supervisor Andy Harrington has drafted a set of Outside Activities FAQs which address many common questions that arise when determining whether outside employment is compatible with university service.

  • Congratulations to the Class of 2020

    May 01, 2020

    I write to you today with hope for and confidence in our future. While we know that COVID-19 impacts have altered our lives in more ways than we could have imagined, I want each of you to know that we are looking ahead and planning for how we move forward. The good news is that we are emerging from the depths of COVID-19 and are beginning to transition to fall semester. Our leaders are working on those plans, which will be ready to share with you soon.

  • UA budget update

    May 01, 2020

    UA President Jim Johnsen issued additional budget and financial management guidance to the three university chancellors asking that they work together to find inter-university collaborations to help reduce the budget.

  • UA celebrates graduates with online ceremonies, website

    May 01, 2020

    The University of Alaska has canceled in-person commencement ceremonies as part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The University of Alaska Fairbanks and University of Alaska Southeast will host virtual commencement ceremonies.

  • Announcing FY21 leadership furloughs

    April 29, 2020

    After careful consideration and consulting with the chancellors, I have decided to implement a systemwide furlough in FY21 of all executive-level university employees in accordance with University Regulation R04.07.115.

  • Capitol Report for April 24

    April 24, 2020

    The Alaska Legislature has been in an extended recess since the end of March, and today is technically the 95th day of the session. Legislative leaders opted to leave session open in case additional pandemic response measures became necessary. Such an occasion has arisen and activity is beginning to pick back up within state government.