Read the latest updates on the university budget, Board of Regents, and other major UA System news

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  • Alutiiq/Sugpiaq angyaq inducted into Alaska Innovators Hall of Fame for inspiring ingenuity and resourcefulness

    February 19, 2020

    Before there were pick-up trucks, there were the Alutiiq/Sugpiaq angyat (open boats). Crafted explicitly for heavy seas and mass transportation, and made from local materials, these historic skin-covered boats were used in Sugpiaq society for harvesting and traveling. Angyat were owned by families.

  • Dr. Robert "Trey" Coker inducted into Alaska Innovators Hall of Fame to honor his world-class research and business ventures

    February 19, 2020

    In 2011, Dr. Robert "Trey" Coker suffered a debilitating ATV accident that fractured three vertebrae and left him bedridden for about a month. Although he soon recovered, his muscles had atrophied resulting in a loss of physical function. The unanticipated setback inspired him to think what could be done about to prevent the physical decline in older adults.

  • Save the date: State of the University Address

    February 19, 2020

    University of Alaska President Jim Johnsen will present the State of the University address at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2020. Johnsen will be the luncheon keynote speaker at the 6th Annual AlaskaCAN! Educational Equity Conference being held at the Marriott Anchorage Downtown hotel.

  • Capitol Report for Feb. 14

    February 17, 2020

    The House Finance Committee is on track to complete its work on the FY21 operating budget by the end of next week. Legislative leadership is driving hard to complete the budget process and to transmit it to the Governor for his review, well in advance of the legislature adjourning. Given recent history, this is an ambitious goal, but if successful, it would give the legislature the option of taking further action in the event that portions of the budget are vetoed. Alaska's constitution gives the governor 15 days, excepting Sundays, to act on a bill while the legislature is in session.

  • Alaska Innovators Hall of Fame inducts August G. (Augie) Hiebert, "Father of Alaska television"

    February 17, 2020

    From bringing television to the Last Frontier and building the first radio station in Fairbanks, to laying the groundwork for using satellite communication in Alaska, August G. (Augie) Hiebert's vision laid the foundation for the evolution of mass communication in Alaska. The Alaska State Committee on Research honors Hiebert's legendary accomplishments in the broadcast and communication industry, and inducts him into the Alaska Innovators Hall of Fame class of 2020.

  • Dr. Ping Lan inducted into Alaska Innovators Hall of Fame for driving business and putting Alaska innovation on the map

    February 17, 2020

    For Dr. Ping Lan, innovation isn't a buzzword, it's a way of life. A decade ago, he created the Arctic Innovation Competition to stimulate innovative ideas and bring a pipeline of creative solutions to Alaska, the Circumpolar North, and the Arctic.

  • Coronavirus & Travel Restrictions - China

    February 11, 2020

    There is understandable concern about the novel coronavirus outbreak that originated in China. While there has been some spread to other countries, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to emphasize that the immediate health risk to the U.S. public remains low at this time. As of February 7, the CDC was reporting 12 confirmed cases in the U.S. See

  • How to move forward

    February 11, 2020

    As we roll up our sleeves to work on the many challenges we face this year, I think it's important to consider where we are, how we got here, and how we move UA forward.

  • President Johnsen advocates for the university in Juneau

    February 08, 2020

    UA President Jim Johnsen spent three days in Juneau last week meeting with legislators and staff to discuss the university's budget and legislative priorities. The visit included presentations to the House Finance Committee and a joint hearing of the House and Senate Education Committees. The President met individually with more than a dozen legislators, and presented to the first hearing of the university's house budget subcommittee.

  • Capitol Report for Feb. 7

    February 08, 2020

    Governor Dunleavy introduced his FY20 Supplemental Budget this week. Lawmakers use supplemental spending bills to cover unforeseen expenses incurred by state government since passage of the previous year's spending plan. This year's supplemental is a record $507 million in total funds, and addresses funding issues with Medicaid, the Alaska Marine Highway System, and the response to last summer's fire season.