Interface of Change Year 1 Seed Awards

August 15, 2024

Red seaweed held by a hand in a yellow rubber glove.
Photo courtesy of Schery Umanzor
Schery Umanzor holds up a red seaweed species. Umanzor is investigating how climate-driven environmental changes impact red seaweed growth.
Alaska NSF EPSCoR is excited to announce the first round of research seed awards under our project "Interface of Change."
The goal of Interface of Change is to bring together researchers, Gulf of Alaska community members, Tribes, educators, and entrepreneurs to investigate climate change impacts on harvested and farmed marine species, and on the lives of Alaskans who rely on them.
We are soliciting proposals for seed grants from University of Alaska researchers and students, as well as non-UA affiliated research collaborators and adjacent organizations to carry out new and innovative research projects that support Interface of Change goals. Seed award projects should address themes relevant to the EPSCoR Interface of Change project.
The maximum amount for research seed awards is up to $20,000 per award. For student research seed awards, the maximum amount is up to $4,000 per award.
Deadline to apply:  
September 30, 2024

Awards will be announced:
October 23, 2024
Award Period:  
November 1, 2024- June 30, 2025
Please see our awards page for details and information about how to apply.
Contact Tara Borland with application questions.