Building Alaska's STEM Capacity

Alaska EPSCoR Alaska NSF EPSCoR improves scientific research capacity and broadens participation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in Alaska by engaging in multiyear statewide research projects supported through National Science Foundation and state funds.


Current Projects

Interface of ChangeBuilding collaborations to assess harvested and  farmed marine species prioritized by Gulf of Alaska communities facing environmental  shifts 

2024 - 2029

"Interface of Change" asks how changes in Gulf of Alaska coastal ecosystems affect marine species of cultural and economic importance, like kelp and salmon, and in turn the well-being of people living in Gulf of Alaska communities.





News & features on Alaska NSF EPSCoR projects


Feb 04

In February and March 2025, Interface of Change researchers are visiting Cordova, Seldovia, Homer, Haines, and Klukwan for Annual Community Participation Workshops.

Frank Witmer, UAA

Nov 26

Meet Frank Witmer, UAA co-PI for the Interface of Change project, faculty member and computational geography of the UAA Computer Science & Engineering department.

Nov 11

Join us November 18, 2024, 12-1 pm for a virtual presentation by Tia Tidwell and hosted by Debbie Mekiana of the UAF College of Indigenous Studies, Department of Alaska Native Studies and Rural Development


By the Numbers

Since 2001, Alaska NSF EPSCoR has grown Alaska's research capacity

> $173 million

supplemental funding leveraged


new faculty hires

> 600

student researchers funded


academic publications


Fun Stuff

Get immersed in the science being done at Alaska NSF EPSCoR with the Data Visualization Team!