Financial Aid

Thanks to our generous sponsors, several types of scholarships and financial aid will be available. More information will be posted as available. 

Endangered Language Fund

The Endangered Language Fund (ELF) is offering two fellowships for the 10-day CoLang workshop for members of the Native Voices Endowment tribes. These are the tribes that participated in the Lewis & Clark Expedition Bicentennial; a full list can be found here. To apply, first apply to CoLang noting your interest in and eligibility for an ELF fellowship. Once accepted to CoLang, apply to ELF by sending an email to stating your tribe and sending proof of enrollment; which classes you plan on taking; and what your expectations are for how the experience at CoLang might affect your work with your language.

 Linguistic Society of America

The Linguistic Society of America is offering a limited number of fellowships to LSA members for CoLang 2016. To apply for an LSA fellowship, first apply to CoLang. If your application for participation is approved by CoLang, it will be forwarded to LSA and you will hear from them directly.  LSA fellowships to CoLang 2016 will be announced by March 7, 2016.