CoLang 2018 will be held at the University of Florida in Gainesville, June 18 - July 20, 2018 [website]
Jan 15: application deadline
Feb 10: application results announced
Feb 20: Registration opens
Mar 7: LSA and ELF fellowships announced
April 1:waitlist open
April 30: payment/registration deadline
The Institute on Collaborative Language Research (CoLang) was be held on the campus of the University of Alaska Fairbanks in 2016. The institute was designed to provide an opportunity for community language activists and linguists to receive training in community-based language documentation and revitalization. The Institute has previously been convened in California, Oregon, Kansas, and Texas, and attracts a diverse range of participants from across the globe. Instructors include some of the world’s leading experts in language documentation. The next CoLang will be held in 2018 at the University of Florida.

The Institute consists of two parts: two weeks of intensive workshops followed by a three-week Practicum in field linguistics in which students work hands-on with speakers of an endangered language. CoLang 2016 will have, but not be limited to, two major themes: languages of Alaska and language archiving.
Workshops: June 20-July 1, 2016
choose from a variety of topics to include: audio/video recording, data management, archiving, ethnobiology, language and well-being, language teaching, survey methods, curriculum development
Practica: July 5-23, 2016
These intensive practica in language documentation will meet 6 days per week for
3 weeks. Students and instructors will be housed together on the UAF campus. Participants
may choose from the following featured languages:
- Unangam Tunuu (Aleut) [ISO 693-3: ale], the language of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska.
- Han (Athabascan) [ISO 693-3: haa], a Dene (Athabascan) language of Eastern Alaska and the Yukon.
- Miyako (Ryukyuan) [ISO 693-3: mvi], a Ryukyuan language of Southern Japan.
LSA Sponsorship
We are pleased to welcome the Linguistic Society of America as a sponsor of CoLang 2016. LSA will be providing scholarships to support participation
in CoLang. More information will be announced soon.
About Fairbanks
Fairbanks is located in the heart of the Dene (Athabascan) territory. The official name of the hill on which the campus is located is Troth Yeddha', a Minto name meaning literally 'wild potato hill'. The long hours of daylight during the Fairbanks summer invite numerous outdoor activities and and festivals. CoLang participants will have ample opportunity to engage with the local community and experience the subarctic summer. For more information see the Visitor Guide link.
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