ATP Portal

Note: Alaska passed new regulations in August, 2015 to establish requirements for Student Teachers doing their clinical practice / student teaching / practice teaching / internship / teaching practicum in Alaska.  We recommend those considering an Alaska Student Teaching placement read the information about teaching and living in Alaska on the main ATP website prior to filling out this form.

In general, in addition to permission from their current teacher preparation institution, a Student Teacher in Alaska must:

  1. Agree to complete a minimum of 500 hours of classroom work over 15 weeks with a qualified supervising teacher
  2. Undergo the same Alaska criminal background check as certified teachers
  3. Complete one of the Basic Competency Exams accepted by the Alaska Teacher Certification office prior to the experience
  4. Agree to follow Alaska's teaching standards (4 AAC 04.200)

School districts will contact interested potential student teachers, and assist them with navigating the approval process. They also have criteria under Alaska regulations for supervision of these experiences.

    • Download EED Regulation (PDF)