ATP Live Chats - 2020 Live Chat Dates

ATP's Live Chats are online video presentations with special guests who take questions by text chat. Participants log in and watch the live video of the presenter and interact via a chat window by using the ATP Facebook page. Our special guests are working professionals from our various Alaska school district staff, and , and the Alaska Department of Education (DEED).

ATP’s Virtual Job Fairs and Live Chats are held during the peak hiring season, between February and June.

Sometimes we host over 100 concurrent users. It's a great way for you to get your questions about an Alaska job search answered by people in the know, or to interact with school district HR staff about current openings and jobs.

2020 ATP Live Chat Schedule - All ATP Live Chats start at 3:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted
Date / Time
Guest Topic
Josh & Janice Bullock - Dillingham Schools Living / Working in Rural Alaska
TBD Sondra Meredith - Alaska DEED Alaska Teacher Certification Q&A
TBD Toni McFadden - ATP Manager
Tips & Tricks for Applitrack & Job Fairs

Virtual Job Fairs

We have been offering Virtual Job Fairs during this time.

Our next Job Fair, May 20th, 2021, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm AK time, can be accessed here and you may register there.

Facebook Live

fb icon

We've added improved chat interface with Facebook Live, and added the ability to record and play back the text conversations going on along with the video and audio, and the ability to turn on closed captions for all events.

For presenters from districts and other organizations, we have added the ability connect via either Skype or the popular new Zoom format. This allows multiple presenters to share the video and audio feed, and is especially useful now that HR teams and school staff are working remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As always, Facebook Live allows our guests to ask questions and follow the stream from their smart phones, tablets and computers, while still also providing a recording and archiving option for those who wish to view the events at a time that better fits their schedule.

The Alaska Teacher Placement Facebook page will carry the live stream as a regular "post" here:

FB Page

Participants can choose to simply watch and listen, or can use their free Facebook account to post questions and reactions for our guests.   All live events will be recorded and viewable from the ATP Facebook page's video library. If you are having trouble viewing a video, Facebook maintains a helpful tutorial and searchable Help Center.

Come join the fun, meet someone new and learn about Alaska!

Sample Live Chat Session with Sondra Meredith

Alaska Teacher Certification Q&A - February 22, 2017
Sondra Meredith, Alaska Department of Education (DEED), whose office handles teacher certification questions, offered some extra insights, tips and thoughts about becoming certified to teach in Alaska.


Sondra Meredith

ATP Video Archives Available

ATP has been offernig live chats and virtual job fairs since 2005.  Although we only began recording these a few years ago, we have all of the current year events, and many older ones available for viewing.  For the last several years, most ATP Live Chats have been recorded for offline viewing.  The link below goes the to the ATP Facebook Video Library where all current year ATP live events and other videos are stored and viewable.

In addition, we will embed the videos for current and prior job search seasons:

Video Archives

Older ATP Video Archives

ATP Ustream Video Archives - (Events Prior to 2017)

ATP events from the ATP Ustream Channel were recorded until the fall of 2016.  Changes to the video storage policy at Ustream mean that these archival videos may or may not be available moving forward.  Ustream periodically cleans out the stored videos of long-time customers who do not pay for storage, so your experience may vary.