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Grant Writing Classes @ UAA

Fall 2025, 3 credits, Distance Online. 

An introduction to grant writing, with a focus on locating funding sources, networking with community partners and potential funders, and drafting, revising, and submitting grant proposals. 

  • Synchronous Zoom, 3-hour weekly meetings
  • Prerequisite overrides available for non-degree seeking students. 
  • Contact Dr. Andrew Harnish for more information:

Grant Writing and Grants Management

PADM 671
Summer 2026, 3 credits, Distance Online. 

Focuses on federal grant opportunities and capital improvement planning for municipalities and tribes. Grant writing topics include need statements, logic models, writing effective narratives, budgeting and finding match requirements. Grants management topics will include performance management systems, reporting, audit and evaluation requirements.


AlaskaX: Grant Proposal Writing

This course explains the structural components used to write a proposal, but particularly for grants that can bring in resources for a project or program. You will learn how to weave the different components together into a cohesive message efficiently delivered to a potential funder.

While this is not an instructor-led course, enrollment in the verified track will also give you access to feedback on individual projects from grant professionals who will provide guidance on a generic approach that is easily tailored to any funding opportunity.

More information is available here, along with registration instructions.  


Alaska Grant Writing Network Webinars