Explore Funders


This page offers a comprehensive list of Alaska-based and federal funders. 

Those seeking foundation funding should review the Alaska & Regional Foundations and Corporate Funders tabs. Many family and corporate foundations do not fund religious causes; information on funding for religious organizations can be found under Cultural Resources, along with additional info for nonprofits seeking to uplift specific groups. The Business Resources tab offers information for those seeking funding to support for-profit enterprises. The Alaska Tribal Funders tab includes links to Tribal foundations across the state, many of which prioritize the needs of their shareholders and members. The Alaska Department & Agency and Federal Department & Agency grants pages include links to the grantmaking sites for most state and federal departments and agencies. The federal opportunities found there are also listed on Grants.gov, but their presentation is often more accessible on these pages. Federal department and agency pages often include info on upcoming funding opportunities, overviews of previously funded programs, and even info on who received awards. If you are keying in on funding from a specific department or agency, carefully review their site to gain more information about their priorities.

The Foraker Group offers the Alaska Funders Directory, a curated list of Alaska-based private funders. This list is available for a $200 yearly subscription, $100 for Foraker Partners. 

Alaska Family Foundations 

Alaska Regional Foundations

Major Regional Foundations 

State of Alaska Department & Agency Grants Pages

The State of Alaska Online Public Notices page provides links to procurement, funding, and bidding opportunities sponsored by the state. 

The Alaska Governor's Office of Infrastructure offers a weekly newsletter listing infrastructure opportunities. Sign up for it here. 

Below are links to the grants pages for most departments in the State of Alaska. 

Alaska Tribal Funders

  • The Aleut Foundation
    • “For Aleut shareholders and descendants who seek to further their education, career and cultural connectedness, The Aleut Foundation offers programs that fund education, training and cultural enrichment to support the enhancement of their lives.”
  • Aqqaluk Trust
    • “The Aqqaluk Trust is the most important source of educational funding for the NANA region.”
  • Arctic Education Foundation
    • Scholarship-granting organization. “Programs are designed to empower Iñupiat students and promote personal success within themselves and their community.”
  • The Bristol Bay Foundation
    • “For all BBNC Shareholders and direct lineal descendants who seek it will achieve a post-secondary credential or degree.”
  • The Chugach Heritage Foundation
    • “Funds scholarships to Chugach Alaska Corporation Original Shareholders and Lineal Descendants”
  • The CIRI Foundation
    • “The CIRI Foundation offers Education and Heritage Project Grants to support projects that affect and/or involve Alaska Native beneficiaries of CIRI and further the education and heritage goals of The CIRI Foundation.”
  • Doyon Foundation
    • Doyon Foundation’s mission “is to provide educational, career and cultural opportunities to enhance the identity and quality of life for Doyon shareholders.”
  • The Eyak Foundation
    • “Provides educational and charitable benefits to shareholders of The Eyak Corporation and their descendants.”
  • Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation
  • Koniag Education Foundation
    • "Empowering Alutiiq people to achieve their potential through education."
  • Tebughna Foundation
  • Alaska Federation of Natives Funding in Education

Most grant awards go to registered 501(c)(3) nonprofits, but a limited amount of funding is available for small businesses and larger business enterprises, often in the forms of loans. This funding is usually for very specific projects.

Alaska-Specific Resources   

Alaska Mental Health Trust Micro Enterprise Grants

  • “These grants strive to increase access to self-employment opportunities for persons with disabilities who are Trust beneficiaries. Grant funds may be used for costs associated with starting a new business, expanding a current business or acquiring an existing business.”

Alaska Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

State of Alaska Small Business Assistance Center

  • “The Small Business Assistance Center provides direction for entrepreneurs, start-ups, and existing businesses in Alaska.” Most links are to training opportunities, industry-specific pages, and loan opportunities.

Federal Grant Opportunities 

“Despite what the late-night infomercials want you to believe, the federal government does not provide grants for business expansion and growth. There is no ‘free’ money for you to start or grow a business” (MBDA).

Federal Grants on grants.gov

  • Go to grants.gov/search-grants 

  • Scroll down to Eligibility (a box on the left) and select “For profit organizations other than small businesses” and “Small businesses.” This will likely produce 1,000+ results. 

  • Use keyword searches (upper left) to narrow your results.

Minority Business Development Agency American Indian Alaska Native / Native Hawaiian Projects 

  • “The Minority Business Development Agency’s (MBDA) American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) Projects support Tribal and native business growth by addressing one or more of the following three strategic initiatives: a) innovation and entrepreneurship; b) strategic planning; and/or c) transformative projects.”

Rural Business Development Grant (USDA) 

  • “This program provides grant money to assist with economic development planning and/or the financing or expansion of rural businesses.”

U.S. Department of Commerce Grant Resources 

  • This page includes links to a number of grant opportunities within the Department of Commerce, including awards for advanced manufacturing and fisheries. 

U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA)

  • Most EDA awards go to municipalities, Tribal organizations, or nonprofits, but it may be possible for your business to identify grant opportunities of interest and partner with a local organization that is willing to include you as a contractor. They would need to apply for the award. EDA awards usually require matching funds.

  • Here is a full list of EDA partners in Alaska. 

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)

  • SBA does not provide grants for starting and expanding a business.  

Foundation Funding for Businesses

Amber Grant for Women

Corporate Funding for Businesses

Amazon Small Business Grant

American Express Backing Small Businesses

FedEx Small Business Grant Contest

Freed Fellowship Grant

Lenovo Evolve Small Initiative 

National Association for the Self-Employed Growth Grant

Small Business Growth Fund Grant

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Top Small Business Awards

Venmo Small Business Grant

Verizon Small Business Grant

Visa Everywhere Initiative

Federal Department & Agency Pages

Most departments have a department-specific grants page and a dedicated department page on Grants.gov. Both pages are worth exploring and checking regularly. Departmental pages on Grants.gov include links to yearly award totals, courtesy of USAspending.gov.


U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC)

Funding Pages for DOC Bureaus

U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)

Denali Commission 

U.S. Department of Education (ED)

Funding Pages for ED Offices

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Funding Pages for DOE Offices

 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Funding Pages for DHHS Agencies & Offices

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Funding Pages for DHS Agencies & Offices

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Funding Pages for HUD Agencies & Offices

U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI)

Funding Pages for DOI Bureaus & Offices

U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)

Includes Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) and the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)

Funding Pages for DOJ Divisions

U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)

Funding Pages for DOL Agencies and Programs

U.S. Department of State (DOS)

U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)

Funding Pages for DOT Agencies and Programs

U.S. Department of the Treasury (TREAS)

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Grant Award Information for Federal Agencies and Institutes  

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Americorps (AC)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Small Business Administration (SBA)

Social Security Administration (SSA)