Fall colors brighten the tundra in Denali National Park. Photo by Todd Paris, UAF

Announcements: September 2018

  • Title IX training for employees due Sept. 30
  • New UA Travel process coming soon
  • CITO recruitment is underway
  • Engaging policy makers advances the university agenda
  • Partisan political activity reminder
  • Green�Dot�training scheduled for Statewide staff
  • Banner 9 training opportunities
  • FEMA’s Oct. 3, test of Wireless Emergency Alert System
  • Sign up for Paperless Explanation of Benefits (EOBs)
  • Your Health Care Advocate: DirectPath
  • Notification of public records requests
  • Got kids? Start saving!
  • Google Hangout now has dial-in video feature
  • Flu shots at the Fairbanks campus
  • OIT's new and improved status page
  • September Human Resources updates
  • Butrovich break room coming soon
  • SAA September meeting highlights

Title IX training for employees due Sept. 30

All “responsible employees” must update their Title IX training every year between July 1 and Sept. 30. Responsible employees are required to report sex or�gender‐based incidents within 24 hours of receiving information about an event to�the Title IX coordinator.

To access the training:

  1. Log in to the UAOnline Employee e-Learning page, or go directly to�http://alaska.edu/myua/.
  2. Click on myUA Employee Services Dashboard
  3. Under My Development select Title IX [Annual Refresher] FY19

For more information about your obligations under Title IX as a responsible employee, please visit� http://www.alaska.edu/titleIXcompliance/responsible-employee/.

New UA Travel process coming soon

What is the new UA Travel Card?
The university will be introducing a new UA paid Travel Card as part of the UA travel process improvement implementation. This card will be issued to employees that travel on university business and to travel coordinators. The use of this card will reduce the monetary burden to the traveler, streamline administrative processes, reduce hotel/lodging and airfare costs, and increase reporting capabilities.

The new travel process, including the Concur application suite and the new UA Travel Card, will be rolled out together over the next 8 months in a staggered implementation. As your department starts training to use the new travel process, you will learn more about how to apply for the UA Travel Card.

Benefits of using the new UA Travel Card �MORE....

CITO recruitment is underway

T he Chief Information Technology Officer recruitment is underway, but is still in the confidential interview stage at this time. Currently, there are t hree candidates advancing to the interview phase. Additional updates will be provided when more information can be made public. Updates will be posted on the IT Transition website: http://www.alaska.edu/hr/it-transition/

Sign up for Paperless Explanation of Benefits (EOBs)

Would you like to get an e-mail when your claim has processed, have less paper clutter and help save the plan money? You can sign up for paperless Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) for all of that and more. You’ll get an e-mail that your EOB is ready, then you can sign in and view it, save it or print it. You can store 2 years’ worth of EOB’s on the site in an easily searchable, safe location.

Log in to your account at Premera.com, and click on “Go Paperless” under “Manage My Account.” Just click the box “YES” and provide your e-mail address. That’s it!

If you are the primary subscriber, you will have access to your dependents’ EOBs if they are 12 years or younger. Your spouse, partner, or dependents 13 and older can sign up for their own paperless EOBs.

Need another reason to sign up? If the UA membership signing up for paperless EOBs exceeds 40 percent, UA will receive another dollar off our monthly administration fee! That will save everyone money!

Your Health Care Advocate: DirectPath

When you have a question about your health care benefits, who do you turn to? Is this service covered? Why didn’t Premera cover my procedure? I had a surgery last month and now I’m drowning in bills, how much do I really owe? Where can I find the best price for my MRI?

Healthcare can be complicated, and it’s hard to know what you need to know to figure it out. That’s where DirectPath can help. DirectPath is your health care advocate. You can call them with all the above questions and more. DirectPath is there to help you navigate the health care waters and become a better health care consumer. You can get price quotes and comparisons for medical care before you schedule your surgery or MRI so you know you’re getting the best care at the best price.

DirectPath is 100% confidential and 100% covered by the University of Alaska. UA will never know you called or what you discussed. They’re totally independent of any insurance company, so while they’re familiar with Premera and the Alaska health care market, they’re not affiliated with them. DirectPath can help with any medical, dental, vision, FSA or HSA questions.

What can DirectPath help with?

  • Providing cost and quality research for planned medical services
  • Resolving claims and billing issues
  • Finding in-network providers
  • Verifying coverage and eligibility
  • Educating members on their health plan choices at open enrollment
  • Resolving prescription drug issues and help with mail order or specialty medications
  • Coordinating benefits with primary and secondary coverage, including Medicare

Call DirectPath at 1-866-253-2273, Monday through Friday from 4 a.m. to 5 p.m., or Saturdays from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m., Alaska time.

Or visit them online at http://advocacy.directpathhealth.com/University_of_Alaska/

(DirectPath used to be “Patient Care” but they changed their name a couple years ago; the services provided and the team is the same, only the name changed.)

Notification of public records requests

This is a semi-annual notification that certain information about your employment with the University of Alaska is subject to the Alaska Public Records Act and will be released when public records requests are made.

Under the Alaska Public Records Act (AS 40.25.110-.220), the State Personnel Act (AS 39.25.080(b)) and Regents' Policy (P04.01.062; P06.02.010-.100), certain employee information is public and must be disclosed on request. Such information release includes all UA employees, including adjuncts and temps. Student employee information can not be released due to protections under federal and state laws.

The information that can be released by request includes but not limited to:

  • Department
  • Employee Name
  • Full-time/Part-time
  • Bargaining Unit
  • Employee class (ECLS)
  • Job classification title
  • Compensation
  • Staff Benefit Rate
  • Previous positions held
  • Dates of employment

While there is no option to opt out of the release of information, the university wants you to be aware that requests for this type of information occur regularly throughout the year.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please visit�www.alaska.edu/hr to find a set of answers to frequently asked questions under “Quick Links."

If you do not find the information you need there, please discuss your concerns with your supervisor or your regional HR department.

September Human Resources updates

Each month Human Resources provides an update on systemwide projects currently in process. The details of these projects are still being worked on and communication will also be sent to those directly impacted prior to the effective date of the change.

To see previous versions please go to the Statewide Human Resources web page at the following link: http://alaska.edu/hr/whats-new-at-statewide/index.xml.

Updates in the September edition:DOWNLOAD PDF

Butrovich break room coming soon

Progress is being made on the new employee break room in Butrovich 001, the suite formerly occupied by Risk Services. A soft opening is expected in October. Currently crews are painting walls, cleaning carpets and bringing in furniture for the space. A kitchenette with a microwave and small fridge will be available in the room. Access will be limited to regular building hours, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. The space can be used for staff events such as birthdays or other celebrations, for eating lunch and taking breaks. A complete list of rules and limitations will be shared once finalized.

An all-staff open house is planned for October 31 sponsored by SAA. There will be a holiday photo booth and snacks available. Costumes are encouraged. Look for more information as the date approaches.

SAA September Highlights

The Statewide Administration Assembly held a regular business meeting on Thursday, September 6. Below are� highlights �from the meeting.

September 2018 SAA Meeting�Highlights

  1. Congratulations to SAA's own, Josh Watts, for being elected chair of the�Staff Alliance. The Staff Alliance held its retreat on Aug. 17 . Brenda Levesque of UAA was elected vice chair. Members met with President Johnsen, VP Layer, VP Rizk, and several HR directors and heard updates on FY20 budget development, the compensation study, and upcoming leadership development opportunities. The Staff Alliance represents exempt and non-exempt employees across the system and provides feedback to administration and the Board on matters affecting all staff.�
  2. Representatives reviewed General Counsel's�memo on reference checks.�
  3. The Butrovich Break Room is in the final phase of development. Once the room is ready for use, SAA will host a grand opening.��
  4. SAA discussed the staff morale survey it plans to send and agreed to distribute after the Board meeting. The survey was designed to gauge an employee's personal morale as well as how they perceive overall morale at SW. Results will be shared with staff, administration, and governance.�
  5. Representatives reviewed proposed changes to travel regulations. The regulation update is being planned to coincide with implementation of the new travel management system, and will help to clarify traveler options and responsibilities. Governance groups across UA are currently reviewing the proposed changes and providing feedback through Sept. 20.� �
  6. Representatives heard options for a new winter holiday charity including the Center for Non-Violent Living, the Fairbanks Community Food Bank� and the Denali Center; a decision on holiday charity will be made at the October meeting.�
  7. SAA is collecting donations for UAF's Winter Warm-Up. The Winter Warm-Up is an annual event to benefit UAF students. Acceptable donations include winter clothing (hats/gloves, sweaters/coats, boots, etc.), small household goods (coffee maker, blender, toaster, etc.), and sporting goods (skis, snowshoes, skates, etc.). All donations must be clean, usable, and safe! Donations will be accepted starting Sept. 21. Collection boxes will be located in the first and second floor hallways, or items an be dropped off at Butro 208D.�

SAA�will meet next on Thursday, October 4 in Butrovich 204 in Fairbanks and Bragaw 210 in Anchorage (add to calendar). All staff are encouraged and welcome to attend. Reach out to�SAA�representatives�to share your ideas and/or concerns. Additional information about�SAA�meetings is available on their�website.�

Governor Walker attended seven bill signing events on UA campuses including this event held at the UAA College of Health in Anchorage. Photo courtesy Gov. Walker's Office

Engaging policy makers advances the university agenda

The UA Government Relations team has had a busy summer, actively engaging policymakers, and bringing them to campus to advance the university’s agenda. UA campuses hosted seven bill signings with legislators and the Governor including:

  • FY19 Capital, Operating & Mental Health Budgets
  • Permanent Fund Protection Act
  • Education Tax Credit Extension
  • Micro-loan Program Expansion
  • Foster Care Reform

Earlier this month President Johnsen and UAS Chancellor Caulfield welcomed statewide candidates and regional leaders to the opening of the Southeast Maritime Training Center in Ketchikan. The center is one of the most comprehensive maritime community colleges on the west coast, and served as a great showcase for UA’s work in the area of workforce development. �

Partisan political activity reminder

The political campaign season is upon us again, and questions may come up regarding candidate appearances and political communications.

By law (Alaska Statute 39.52.120(b)(6)), UA employees may not use, or permit the use of, UA email or other UA property or resources for partisan political purposes.� Partisan political purpose includes anything done with the purpose ofdifferentially benefiting or harming a candidate or potential candidate, political party or group.

The following are some general guidelines. However, because the Ethics Act and other applicable law can be complex and some issues may involve constitutionally protected speech or matters of academic freedom under Board of Regents’ policy, please seek advice through your supervisor, HR and the General Counsel’s office if you have questions regarding a specific instance.� MORE....

Green�Dot�training scheduled for Statewide staff

All Statewide employees are encouraged to attend and/or renew Green Dot�Bystander Training. The UAF Green Dot strategy is a violence prevention program based on empowering bystanders. When people attend Green Dot trainings, they learn to recognize potentially harmful situations and how to safely intervene.�

Training for Butrovich employees is scheduled for:

  • Thursday Oct 18,� 9am-10:30am,� BOR Conference Room 109
  • Wednesday Oct 24,� 10am-11:30am,� BOR Conference Room 109
  • Thursday Nov 1,� 1:00pm-2:30pm,� BOR Conference Room 109

The link to enroll in the training is:�https://myua.pageuppeople.com/learning/54

All three sessions will also be provided via videoconferencing for statewide employees in Anchorage.

Green Dot approaches all students, staff, administrators, and faculty as allies. The original Green Dot program was conceived in the college setting to prevent dating violence, sexual violence, and stalking. It relies on the premise that if everyone does their small part and commits to individual responsibility, the combined effect is a safe campus culture that is intolerant of violence. The college-based curriculum draws heavily on the experiences of college students and the reality of this issue in their lives. This curriculum uses interactive activities to reinforce core concepts and encourages students to envision their future and the world in which they want to live, then aligns their bystander behavior with that vision.

This is important safety training. President Johnsen encourages all staff to take the opportunity to become better informed and capable of stopping violence and sexual assaults by attending the training session.

Banner 9 training opportunities

Since May of 2017, staff have been preparing for a major shift in Banner, the software utilized for all financial, student services and human resources transactions. All user groups will be utilizing the new Banner 9 platform by October 29, 2018. After December 2018, Banner 8 will no longer be supported by the software vendor Ellucian.

Training in Banner 9 is being offered face-to face, online and via on-demand video. Martin Miller, the system enterprise application trainer, is providing online and in-person sessions. See reverse for a more detailed schedule of OIT trainings. If these sessions fill up, more will be added. Choose the method that works best for you.

Download PDF with training contacts and information.

FEMA’s Oct. 3, test of Wireless Emergency Alert System

First Use of National WEA System to be followed by test of Emergency Action Notification

On October 3, 2018, FEMA will be testing the national Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) system at 10:18 a.m. and the Emergency Action Notification (EAN) at 10:20 a.m. Alaska time. Please be aware that cell phones will activate as part of this national test.

The WEA test will activate most cell phones. This will be the first time that a nationwide WEA message has been distributed. Cell towers will broadcast the WEA test for approximately 30 minutes. During this time, cell phones that are switched on and within range of an active cell tower should receive the test message once.

The WEA system is used to warn the public about dangerous weather, missing children, and other critical situations through alerts on cell phones. The national WEA test will use the same special tone and vibration as amber alerts.� MORE....

Got kids? Start saving!

By Lael Oldmixon, Director UA College Savings Plan

Earlier this month, Governor Bill Walker proclaimed September as
College Savings Month!

Maybe you already knew this because you read about it and some of our recent program enhancements in one of the University’s newsletters. Or, perhaps you read our recent Community Perspective in the newspaper or our post on our national association’s blog. We’re all over the place, but that’s because we have an important message to share: �Alaska has a top notch college savings plan, and you should be using it!

You might be thinking that as an employee at the University of Alaska, saving for college is one thing you don’t have to worry about. While the employee tuition waiver is an amazing benefit, it’s important to remember that tuition is only one part of the overall cost of earning a degree or certificate. In addition to tuition, you may use funds from a college savings account to pay for room and board, books, fees and computers. You can also use your savings at schools across the U.S, should your child decide to enroll Outside.

Payroll deduction is a convenient way to save and is an option for all UA employees. It allows you set aside money from your paycheck, before it even hits your bank account. Please contact us if you’d like assistance with initiating payroll deduction or have questions about any of our other contribution methods.

We hope you don’t let this month pass by without taking a look at your education savings needs. We’re here for you on this journey from diapers all the way to diplomas!

Google Hangout now has dial-in video feature

GoogleApps@UA users now have the option to join each Hangout Meet event via phone or video, according to the UA Office of Information Technology’s�Video Conferencing Services.

This new feature adds a U.S. dial-in number to video meetings, allowing customers to phone into a meeting using a phone number that is included with each Hangouts Meet event.

To take advantage of this new feature, when creating an event through Google Calendar, using the drop down menu for “Add conferencing,” change this selection to “Hangouts Meet.”� Doing this will add a URL to the event for those joining via video and a dial-in number to the event for phone participants. The phone number is based on the creator’s country setting, and regular call charges apply.

You can find more information on the Hangouts Meet dial-in option�here.

Flu Shots at the Fairbanks Campus

The UAF Student Health and Counseling Center is scheduling flu shots next month for the Fairbanks campus. These are being offered at no charge to employees, spouses and students. These flu shot clinics are for adults only (18 and over).

  • Tuesday, October 2, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. – IARC Lobby (Akasofu Building)
  • Tuesday, October 9, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. – Moore-Bartlett-Skarland Residence Halls
  • Thursday, October 11, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. – Wood Center
  • Tuesday, October 16, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. – 109 Butrovich
  • Friday, October 19, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. – Facilities Services
  • Tuesday, October 23, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. – Community and Technical College

The health center will be offering the quadrivalent (meaning it covers 4 viruses) inactivated vaccine which is given as a shot. Persons over 65 or seeking a nasal spray vaccine can get them at a local pharmacy or clinic.

OIT's new and improved status page

We all work hard to keep service interruptions to a minimum and have a good record of uptime across our core services.

But like anyone, we occasionally have interruptions in service. Typically it’s just a small, scheduled maintenance window, which we often try to do during non-working hours. If we do have an unplanned outage, we aim to get things back up and running as soon as possible.

In either case, over the last year, we've had opportunities to improve the communication side of planned and unplanned outages. Our team at OIT has worked tirelessly towards this objective: communicate with clarity and transparency so you are never left in the dark if things aren’t running as expected. Most prominently, this involved having a single public-facing source of information to make it quicker to update, and easier for you to find the system status that you’re looking for.

Since January OIT has been posting updates here: status.alaska.edu. Our new and improved status page allows you to see if we have an ongoing outage, and historical information on past outages. This third-party tool will allow us to continue to communicate and send updates even if there is a major outage across all of our systems.

As always, if you have questions please do not hesitate to contact the OIT Service Desk for further information!

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