
Classifieds & Events

Free Classified Ad listings

The classified section of the Statewide Voice can be used to sell, buy or trade household items, vehicles, computers, etc. It is also a great place to advertise fundraisers or events for sports teams, scout troops, churches and other organizations. No commercial advertising please. To list your classified ad or event listing contact Statewide Voice editor Monique Musick at mmusick@alaska.edu.

Superheroes Night Out library fundraiser
Calling all Superheroes! Join us in the metropolis of Ester May 19. Our mild mannered, small community library needs you to help us in our mission to benefit humanity and serve as a beacon of literacy in our community. Learn more at esterlibrary.org

2018 Hospice Plant Sale

Hospice Plant Sale request for volunteers
Hospice Plant Sale request for volunteers and seed plants
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