
Transitions and Recognition

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The Transitions section is a popular part of the Statewide Voice, allowing an opportunity to meet new employees, say good bye to parting co-workers and celebrate awards and recognition. Please contact mmusick@alaska.edu with employee news to see it listed in this section.

Welcoming Tlisa Northcutt to the UA Foundation

Starting Feb. 6, 2017

Tlisa Northcutt
Senior Director of Donor Relations
UA Foundation

Tlisa Northcutt�will join the Foundation as Senior Director of Donor Relations at the UA Foundation, beginning� Feb. 6 .� In this role Northcut will draft and implement the first ever 3-5 year plan for donor relations and stewardship, serving as a guide, mentor and lead in this critically important function Statewide.

After graduating UAA, Northcut began in donor relations at UAA 16 years ago and has since garnered experience in nearly all facets of development, most recently serving as Assistant Director of Athletics for Development, a Senior Development Officer for the Seawolves. In 2014, Northcut was recognized by her peers as the Outstanding Fundraising Professional by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Alaska Chapter. In 2015, she received national recognition as the the National Association of Athletic Development Directors Fundraiser of the Year for College Division.�

We welcome Tlisa's expertise and dedication to Alaska's students to the UA Foundation.

Enjoy retirement Carolyn Voss!

Anchorage Gift Manager Carolyn Voss’s last day with the UA Foundation was January 20, 2017. She has worked in the UA system since 2000, and has been the Anchorage Gift Manager since 2004.

It has truly been a pleasure working with Voss, she will be greatly missed. She will be spending her new free time exploring Oregon and Washington states and visiting grandbabies and their parents.�

The Anchorage Gift Manager position is now posted on Careers at UA. If you know anyone interested in this position, please have them apply at�http://alaska.edu/jobs/,�Job #505357.

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