System News November 2016
- Overview of Statewide and the impacts of budget reductions
- Regents approve FY18 budget, tuition, take action on Strategic Pathways
- Regents schedule special meeting to discuss teacher education
- Receptions recognize Class of 2017 UA Scholars
Overview of Statewide and the impacts of budget reductions
As the University of Alaska examines how best to position itself to meet the future needs of Alaska and its students, and grapple with reduced state general funds and rising annual fixed costs, steps have been taken to reduce Statewide administrative costs. A series of initiatives including Statewide Transformation and Strategic Pathways have, and will continue to, shape and restructure the university as a whole.
The intent of this overview is to provide a look at where reductions have been made, where reorganizations have occurred and to outline the purpose of the centralized functions remaining at Statewide.� READ....
Regents approve FY18 budget and tuition, takes action on Strategic Pathways
In its final scheduled meeting of the year, the University of Alaska Board of Regents took action on Strategic Pathways recommendations, approved a 5 percent tuition increase and the FY18 budget request, discussed a long-term financial approach to funding the university, and elected board officers for the coming year.� MORE...
Receptions Recognize Class of 2017 UA Scholars
The Class of 2017 UA Scholars was recognized during a series of receptions hosted by the UA Scholars Program, President Johnsen and the three main Universities Nov. 1, Nov. 3 and Dec. 1, 2016.
The new Scholars heard from current UA Scholars, the chancellors from each campus and President Johnsen about why they should consider attending UA. Current UA Scholars spoke of the opportunities they’ve received attending UA – and the money saved by that decision. The chancellors and president touted the research and educational opportunities available in the UA System and the exceptional value of the $12,000 scholarship.
Each program was followed by a networking reception where Scholars had the chance to chat with representatives from each of the campuses and many top academic programs.