Statewide's Heartwalk team beat their 2016 fundraising goal by almost $500. Photo by Carla Browning

Announcements April 2016

  • Qualifying for the Wellness Rebate
  • Johnsen Approves Common Calendar Dates for Academic Years 2016-2020
  • Applications for Leadership Training due May 30
  • Performance Appraisals due July 1
  • University Employees Show Heart
  • University House Available as an Event Space
  • Butrovich East Lot Closes as Roof Repair Work Begins
  • Wildfire Safety and Awareness Tips
  • Highlights from the May 5 SAA Meeting
  • Voice Archives a Beneficial Resource
  • Employees Have Access to Assistance Program

Qualifying for the Wellness Rebate

More than 1,200 employees are discovering that it really pays to participate in the university’s wellness program. Preliminary numbers show that about 40 percent of employees and 30 percent of spouses fully qualified for a $600 rebate through the Healthyroads wellness program, while 98 percent of eligible employees accumulated at least one point toward the incentive. These numbers are still preliminary and could increase as any late screenings, appointments or other claims data are submitted to Healthyroads.

The April 30 deadline to complete earning points was intentional to allow the time to process late claims and verify final eligibility criteria prior to applying the rebate to FY17 health plan contributions. Employees are encouraged to log in to Healthyroads to verify their point totals. Anyone who has questions about their eligibility, claims processing or points, should contact Healthyoads UA liaison Sara Rodewald.

The final report used for the rebate fulfillment will be provided soon by Healthyroads. If you notice ANY discrepancies within your Healthyroads account, or points that have not yet posted, be sure to contact her by this Friday—May 27, 2016! She can be reached by email or phone: sararo@ashn.com and 907-450-8203.

University Employees Show Heart

University of Alaska Fairbanks and Statewide employee teams raised $30,405 for the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk on Saturday, May 14.

Jackie Dashiell’s Gee Wiz and Friends was the top fundraiser at $12,147. Between a Walk and Hard Pace, led by Lael Oldmixon from UA statewide, raised $5,497. The University Fire Department team, led by Chief Doug Schrage, followed with�$3,152.

There were 135 people signed up to participate in this event.� Thanks to all the team captains, walkers and employees who donated to this year’s Heart Walk.

Performance Appraisals due July 1

It is the time of year again to be thinking about and conducting performance appraisals. SW HR is currently working on the implementation of the new performance Management module, therefore, please continue to use the current performance appraisal for FY16. A pdf fillable form for your use is also posted on the SWHR website: http://www.alaska.edu/files/hr/performance_appraisal_form_ent.pdf

All SW employees should receive a performance appraisal. If the employee is new, or has been here less than six months, the numeric ratings in each competency section does not need to be completed. For those employees that have been employed for more than six months, the entire performance appraisal will need to be completed. Each supervisor and employee will need to work together to complete the goals section for the coming year.

All appraisals will need to be turned in to Michelle Michel by July 1, 2016.

If you have any questions please contact Michelle Michel at 450-8216.

Highlights from the May 5 SAA Meeting

The Statewide Administration Assembly met last Thursday May 5. (AGENDA) These were highlights from the meeting:

1. Strategic Pathways: Briefly discussed governance role as it relates to Strategic Pathways. More to come as working teams and processes are developed. Governance leaders from across the UA System will be meeting with the President and VPAAR White Friday May 27 as well.�

2. Leadership Development: Application deadline is May 30, please see the Statewide Voice announcement for the application link.

3. SAA Elections: Voting closed on Monday May 23, newly elected SAA members will be announced soon. Thank you for voting!

4. Budget Update: Regular legislative session adjourned on May 18. The Governor called for a special session to complete work on specific issues such as the budget. The weapons bill was not part of the Governor’s special session proclamation, thus is dead for now. (http://www.alaska.edu/state/report/)

5. SAA Bylaws: The group discussed proposed changes to the SAA Bylaws which included changes to membership (number of member, length of service and term limits) and possible changes to the Awards Committee. Additional information will be collected and discussed at future meetings.

Statewide staff are always invited to SAA meetings. The next scheduled meeting is a joint annual retreat and business meeting with the outgoing members and the newly elected members, Wednesday June 22 in Butrovich 109 or via google hangout from 9 a.m – 4 p.m https://www.alaska.edu/governance/.

Voice Archives a Beneficial Resource

Looking for information on benefits, budget updates, employee news or past announcements? The "Search Articles" box in the left menu of Statewide Voice pages is an easy to use portal for accessing older publication content. Use the power of Google to instantly bring up past Statewide Voice publications by name, topic or other search term. After 110 issues you'd be amazed at all the information available for review!

Johnsen Approves Common Calendar Dates for Academic Years 2016 - 2020

Common Calendar dates discussed and approved by the Summit Team March 29 were formally approved by President Johnsen May 4. The agreed upon common dates for Academic Calendar Years 2016-2020 are presented in this Matrix. PDF

Applications for Leadership Training due May 30

The institutional changes sought through Strategic Pathways will require strong leadership throughout the University of Alaska system. To that end, President Johnsen is offering the Leading in the 21st Century Leadership Training Program to deliver leadership, communication, conflict prevention, change management and other skills to 44 university employees in Fairbanks over the course of three three-day modules beginning in August. The primary goal of this training is to teach a common language of management and leadership across the UA system in order to facilitate communication and build bonds across departments and universities. An additional goal of each of the cohorts is to build a network of peers not only to teach the new common language and other skills learned from the training, but to work together across departments in other university initiatives.�

SW employees interested in leadership training need to apply onlne by May 30. Participants must commit to attending all training sessions in the series and completing assigned homework in between sessions.�

Statewide employees in Fairbanks who wish to apply for this program may use the following link:� Apply for Leading in the 21st Century Training

For more information about the training program and how to apply click HERE.

For further information contact Cara Eckman in SW HR at 450-8215 or email� cmeckman@alaska.edu.

Note: Applications from UAF were conducted separately and closed May 3.

University House Now Available as an Event Space

University House (previously known as the President's Residence) is now available for rent as an event space by the UA community and the general public. The venue is flexible to accommodate events ranging from large or small receptions, to department retreats, conferences and training sessions that require audio/visual technology.
Check out the University House web page for more information on the space and how to make a reservation for your event.

Butrovich East Lot Closes as Roof Repair Work Begins

The Butrovich building’s East Lot will be closed starting Wednesday May 25. It will be taped off and not available for parking through August, or for the duration of the roof repair project. �

The contractor's equipment and staging area will occupy the East Lot as lined out on the staging plan which is available for review at Elaine Main’s desk.

The roof contractor has received their materials. They will set up staging and fall protection the week of May 25. Immediate roof work would include moving pavers and insulation. Design and Construction does not anticipate any kettles being used this week, so fumes will not be an immediate impact.

Main will continue to provide construction updates, including potential impacts to staff, throughout the duration of the project.

Wildfire Safety and Awareness Tips

Statewide Risk Services encourages employees to remain firewise. The following link provides great information on wildfire safety and awareness tips. READ

Employees Have Access to Assistance Program

The university provides employees with a 24-hour, confidential, employee assistance program that offers many valuable services, such as counseling, financial and legal advice, and child care assistance. This service is free to all university employees.

To contact the program, call�​​1-866-465-8934. Use company ID GC5901Q (The ID indicates you are a university employee.)�EAP will assist employees with locating community resources.

You can also call�907-474-7700 to set up an appointment with a UAF HR professional.

If you are�in need of assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out and contact any of the above services.

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