Announcements December 2016
- Holiday wrap-up
- Holiday office closures
- Sparktacular to mark UAF's centennial start
- Walk Denali Challenge: Enrollment Ends 12/31!
- Sam's Club Collegiate membership program
- SAA Meeting Highlights
Holiday Wrap-up
The Butrovich building came together as SAA partnered with Love Inc.’s Adopt-a-family to ensure two local families will have a Christmas to remember. Seeing the generosity and selflessness of our colleague’s desire to help others is touching.
We also helped the Food Bank with the annual Coffee Mug Drive. � The elves were busy as they filled mugs with candies, cocoa and, of course, candy canes! A total of 135 mugs will be added to food boxes this holiday season. �
Lastly, the building enjoyed the 12 Days of Holiday Cheer while passing along random acts of kindness to others. We’d like wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!
SAA December Meeting Highlights
The Statewide Administration Assembly held a regular business meeting on Wednesday, December 14. Below are highlights from the meeting.
December SAA Highlights
- SAA reviewed results of the morale survey sent to SW employees. Initial analysis shows a decline in morale over the last two years, however, results will require additional examination before they are shared with SW employees.
- Nominations are open for the Staff Make Students Count award, the president's only system-wide staff award. Winners receive $1000, two Alaska Airline ticket vouchers, a plaque, and a trip to the March BOR meeting in Anchorage. Last year's SW winner was Buffy Kuiper. SAA selected a committee to review nominations once the Jan. 20 deadline has passed. Nomination requirements are available on the Staff Alliance website: http://alaska.edu/governance/staff-alliance/staff-make-students-count/
- Representatives discussed the 2016 Outstanding Employee and Department awards. The nomination period will run from early January to mid-February, with an award presentation slated for April 2017.
- OIT is evaluating multi-function printers in Butrovich and employees may notice changes to the printers in their area starting in early 2017.�
- The System Governance Office will be closed Dec. 19 - Jan. 5 .
SAA will meet next on Wednesday, January 18 in Butrovich 204 in Fairbanks and Bragaw 210 in Anchorage. All staff are welcome and encouraged to attend. You can also reach out to SAA members between meetings to share ideas and concerns. Additional information about SAA meetings is available on their website.
Holiday office closures
Most offices at the University of Alaska will be closed for the winter break, Dec. 24, 2016, through Jan. 3, 2017. Many will also be closed or have reduced hours from Dec. 21-23 and Jan. 4-6.
Sparktacular to mark UAF's centennial start
UAF will host the Fairbanks Curling Lions’ 27th annual Sparktacular Celebration on Saturday, Dec. 31. Fireworks will be launched from UAF’s West Ridge starting at 8 p.m.
Viewers can tune their radios to KUAC 89.9 FM and watch the fireworks synchronized to music.
The event will launch UAF's centennial celebrations. uaf.edu/centennial/
Centennial projection
As part of the centennial kickoff, UAF is working with Jon Huff at Alaska Universal Productions to project images on campus buildings, a process known as gobo art. The saying "Celebrating 100! 1917-2017" will run on the west end of the Butrovich parking lot wall starting Dec. 29 through Jan. 4. An identical one will run on the top of the engineering building facing east.
Walk Denali Challenge: Enrollment Ends 12/31!
Enrollment for the ‘Walk Denali’ Challenge is available through 12/31/16. Don’t delay so you can get started with walking to the top of Denali today!
Not sure how the Challenge and Connected! feature of Healthyroads works? Read all about it HERE.
Unsure about being able to make the overall Challenge goal of 1 million steps by April? Refer to THIS document that will provide examples and ideas of how to fit activity into your day, no matter what you have going on!
Additional questions on the Challenge or anything else wellness-related? Contact Sara Rodewald: sararo@ashn.com or (907)450-8203
Sam's Club Collegiate membership program
University of Alaska affiliates – staff, faculty or students – are eligible for up to a $25 gift card when they join or renew a Sam's Club membership. The Collegiate Membership program requires the member to present a valid university e-mail and university ID card with photo at the time of renewal or joining. Members in the Plus plan will receive a $25 gift card, Savings plan members receive a $15 gift card. Talk to an associate at the Member Services Desk for more information or to receive your gift card when you join or renew.