Butrovich department relocation update
The first steps of Butrovich department relocations are underway. A number of offices have been painted and a few small moves have already begun. The first week in April will see some more major moves with the final relocations completed by the end of April.
Affected departments will be contacted independently on details of their move. In general they will discuss the schedule the week before, receive boxes and further instructions on Monday of moving week, and proceed with the move on Thursday and Friday. Workers with Bowers Office Supply will be in the building Thursdays and Fridays beginning March 26 to assist in the moves and reorganizations.
Due to limited components for cubicle arrangements, moves are being coordinated to utilize existing materials. For example, cubical pieces freed up from first floor rearrangements will be used to reorganize the second floor configurations. Such considerations make it hard to project with certainty who will be moving when, but as much notice as possible will be given to all affected.
At this time storage spaces will remain the same for affected departments. The contents of file cabinets will need to be moved to cabinets in the new locations. Departments are asked to label their filing cabinets now to help the moving team evaluate space needs in their new location.
In preparation for this, departments are strongly encouraged to carefully examine all files and to dispose of any old records and files according to university records retention schedules: http://www.alaska.edu/records/records/rds/. Employees should clean out their cubicle areas and dispose of or surplus items that are no longer necessary. Computers and individual office printers should be labeled with their name and IP address. If you need assistance with any of these preparations or have further questions on the process please contact Elaine Main.
For more informtion on the move see the article in the February Voice HERE.