
Training and Tips

OIT Annual Report Available Online

The FY08 Annual Report for the Office of Information Technology is now available online at http://www.alaska.edu/oit/itreports/.�

OIT Tip of the Month

Work-around for MS Office "Invalid file type" error

Submitted by Dennis Eames, (SW HR)

If you try to open Microsoft Office documents created in versions from 1997 and earlier you will get an "invalid file type" error. Your MS Office application will not open the file.

To convince your application to open the file you will need to move the file to a trusted location on your computer or shared drive.

First set up the drive where you want to store all of the old files you need to use and make sure they are all in that location. Then follow the steps outlined below.

Open the MS Office application.

Click the Office Button.

Select the (application name) Options button in the lower right corner of the menu:

  1. In left hand Menu select : Trust Center
  2. Click on Trust Center Settings (bottom right corner)

Click on “Trusted Location”

  1. Check “Allow Trusted Locations…”
  2. Click “Add new location”

  1. Enter path of local or server location��(The example below shows three locations. If you use databases or documents off of other server locations you can browse to find them. Office will not allow selecting the entire server.)
  2. Check “Subfolders…”
  3. Click OK

Repeat the process for each additional location. For example:

  • C:\Documents and Settings\
  • \\YourSharedDrive\Folder1\
  • \\YourSharedDrive\Folder2\

Settings do not transfer from one MS Office application to another so they have to be set up in each application's preference settings.

For additional help feel free to call the OIT Help Desk at 8300.

OIT Training Schedule

Click here to download the July training schedule.

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