
HR News

ADA Training

The University of Alaska has partnered with the Disability Business and Technical Assistance Center (DBTAC) at Cornell University and the University of Washington to provide “Train the Trainer” training on the Americans with Disabilities Act. The nine training modules consist of interactive programs designed for employers, business leaders, employees, disability professionals and people with disabilities.�

Thirty people traveled from communities across the State of Alaska and from Saipan to attend this training, which was held on July 31 and August 4, 2009. Participants were selected for their knowledge of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and based on their interest and ability to serve as partners with DBTAC Northwest in conducting ADA training in Alaska.�

Nine employees of the University of Alaska attended this training and joined the National ADA Trainer Network. The event was designed to empower a network of interested people to become trainers on the major tenets of the Americans with Disabilities Act and to promote diversity and a broader understanding of people with a disability.�

If you’re interested in scheduling a training session or want to learn more about the modules, contact anne.sakumoto@alaska.edu. Most sessions last approximately 1� - 2 hours. More information about the ADA modules will be posted at the Statewide Office of Human Resources Training website.� In the meantime, information about the modules can also be found at http://www.dbtacnorthwest.org/_public/site/files/atn/marketing/ATN-All10-20.pdf

1.��� Disability Awareness: Understanding the ADA.
2.��� Getting Hired and Moving Ahead in a Job When Working with a Disability
3.��� Tapping into Talent
4.��� Serving Customers with Disabilities
5.��� About Hidden Disabilities
6.��� Reaching Individuals with Disabilities: Accessibility in Federal, State, and Municipal Entities
7.��� Reaching Individuals with Disabilities: Accessibility in Private or Commercial Business
8.��� Accessible Technology in the Workplace
9.��� Accessible Web Sites: Everyone Benefits

IHP Registration begins Sep. 1

Phase III of the Individualized Health Planning sessions (IHPs) will begin October 5. Take the opportunity to sign up for our series of six face-to-face health-planning sessions with an experienced wellness consultant. There are a limited number of program slots available.

WIN for Alaska Inc. wellness consultants will be on the UAA, UAF and UAS campuses in September, visiting departments and distributing information about the IHP program. Wellness consultants are available to speak at department meetings. To schedule one, contact Brook Predeger at brook@winforalaska.com.

UA Health Link

Keep up-to-date on current wellness benefits and be inspired by healthy lifestyle tips through the UA Health Link. This online newsletter provides monthly updates on IHP programs, wellness breaks, current incentive programs and more. If you missed this month's issue, read it HERE.

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