Southcentral Region Damon Plaza Subdivision #2


PLAT #87-62

Maps & Documents


lease Description

The University of Alaska is currently offering 16 lots for commercial lease in Damon Plaza Subdivision #2.  The lots may be leased individually, but it is the preference of the University to lease back lots in conjunction with frontage lots.  Access to this property is via Kalifornsky Beach Road or Damon Avenue.
Damon Plaza Subdivision #2 is located approximately three miles southwest of Soldotna on Kalifornsky Beach Road.  To access the subdivision, travel south from Soldotna on the Sterling Highway to Kalifornsky Beach Road, turn right (west) onto Kalifornsky Beach Road and travel approximately two miles and turn left (south) onto Community College Drive.  Proceed approximately 400 feet on Community College Drive to access Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block 1 and Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in Block 2 which are located north of the Community College Drive roundabout.
The lots are generally level with a mixture of hardwood and spruce trees.  Power, phone, and natural gas service have been partially extended into the Damon Plaza Subdivision.  To develop the lots, the lessee will be required to construct roads, property access, and extend utilities.  Interested parties are encouraged to contact utility companies and the Kenai Peninsula Borough to determine utility and road construction requirements/costs.  Please note that there is no direct access to State maintained rights of way unless approved by the State of Alaska Department of Transportation. There is a minimum 20’ building setback required from all rights of way unless a lesser standard is approved by resolution of the appropriate planning commission. Double frontage lots are restricted to one access point by either right of way. Water supply and sewage disposal systems shall be permitted only in conformance with applicable requirements of 18 AAC 70, 18 AAC 72, and 18 AAC 80, and no septic tanks or buried fuel tanks will be allowed within 300 feet of Tract B.
Interested parties should thoroughly inspect these lots prior to submitting a proposal to ensure that the lots are suitable for the party’s intended use and to determine all permitting requirements related to that intended use.  Additional information regarding these lots may be available from local, state and federal offices, including but not limited to:  the city or borough assessor’s office, building permitting office and land planning office; local utility companies; district recorder’s office; the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Game and Department of Transportation and Public Facilities; and the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management, Geological Survey and Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The standard documents that will be used in this offering are available for review below.  A copy of the Damon Plaza Subdivision #2, Plat #87-62 is available at the District Recorder’s office in Kenai (Phone: 907.283.3118) or online  (using the “ Search Menu”, then “Plat Search”).

KN.DP.0002  Soldotna  1  1.043
KN.DP.0003 Soldotna  1.061 
KN.DP.0004  Soldotna  1.012 
KN.DP.0005  Soldotna  1.086 
KN.DP.0006  Soldotna  1.281 
KN.DP.0007  Soldotna  1.281 
KN.DP.0008  Soldotna  1.281 
 KN.DP.0009 Soldotna  1.089 
KN.DP.0010  Soldotna  10  1.123 
 KN.DP.0014 Soldotna  0.932 
KN.DP.0015  Soldotna  0.932 
KN.DP.0016 Soldotna  0.932 
 KN.DP.0017 Soldotna  1.018 
KN.DP.0018 Soldotna  1.056 
 KN.DP.0019 Soldotna  1.003 
KN.DP.0020 Soldotna  10  0.963 



Commercial Lease

The University of Alaska is requesting applications from qualified individuals or firms interested in leasing and developing commercial projects on the parcel(s) listed above.  Applications will be evaluated as they are received.  The terms and conditions of this offering are available below.