University Structure Options

How do we structure the University of Alaska to not just survive, but to achieve UA’s future role in Alaska?

The University of Alaska has taken its first steps toward consolidating its three accredited campuses into a single entity. The UA Board of Regents voted July 30 to authorize President Jim Johnsen to immediately reduce administrative costs and prepare a plan for a transition to a single institution. READ MORE

This action creates a framework for further detailed planning that will occur through the September 12-13 Board of Regents meeting. 

Motion approved by the Board of Regents July 31 
(Download as PDF)

The Board of Regents, pursuant to its duty to govern the University of Alaska in the best interest of the state, authorizes the president—with interim oversight from a Regents’ subcommittee to be appointed by the Chair—to implement the following steps toward increasing the share of resources devoted to academics and student services by developing a revised organizational structure for the University of Alaska:

  1. reducing administrative costs immediately through consolidation and standardization of processes in “back office” functional areas including but not limited to information technology, finance, university relations, and procurement;
  2. preparing a strategic approach to combining duplicative academic colleges and schools, consolidating research institutes, and enhanced integration of community campuses—for review and approval by the Board at its meeting on September 12-13, 2019.
  3. preparing a plan for Board approval to transition to a single institutional accreditation over the 2019-2020 academic year; and
  4. consulting through the above steps with student, faculty, and staff governance groups.

BOR Budget/Structure Presentations

$136 million reduction UGF
In a July 22, 2019 memo to the Chancellors, President Johnsen asked them to prepare a plan that reached a “pro rata” unrestricted general fund, or UGF, reduction as follows:

  • UAA $50 million
  • UAF $68 million
  • UAS $10 million
  • SW $8 million

Basic Principals: Access, Focus, Consistency, Sustainability


  • Fewer Universities and Campuses
  • Current UA, Lead Campus
  • New UA

We can reenvision how we serve the state’s higher education needs.
