New Application Form for Temporary Recruitments

June 9, 2023

As the job market continues to be increasingly competitive, it's crucial for employers to prioritize making the job application process simple and efficient. A lengthy application process can discourage candidates from applying, and as a result, there are missed opportunities to attract talent. According to a recent survey, 60% of job seekers stated that they abandoned an online job application because it took too long or was too complicated.  

As part of continued efforts of Talent Acquisition to reduce barriers for applicants applying to positions with the University, there is now a new application form for temporary recruitments. The new streamlined applications for both student and temporary recruitments have been condensed and should take applicants about five minutes to complete. The only mandatory document now on the temporary application form is a resume, although there are additional fields to upload documents if required for the position. We anticipate that these changes will result in fewer incomplete application forms and more folks applying.