Grade 2-3 Year 3: Changing Lifestyles

What is an environment?

In this lesson, students will learn about local land and water environments. Students will understand the need for classifying in order to organize data when learning about environments.  They will understand that the local environment provides for the local community.

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On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: create a two circle Venn diagram depicting the resources of the water and land environments; classify the resources of land and water environments; illustrate and label the local environment and community, including land and water resources; identify three resources the local community might need from both the land and water environments; and practice scientific processes and inquiry to directly support the concepts of the environments.

what is an environment    
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What helps plants and animals live in places?

In this lesson, students learn that living things have different features and behaviors that help them thrive in their local environment.   Students will explore how the local community is affected by change in the local environment.

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On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: identify how living things adapt to their environment; classify living things according to their physical characteristics and behaviors that help them survive seasonal change in the local environment; describe how the community and their dependence on living things in the local environment change when the seasons change; and
practice scientific processes and inquiry to directly support the concepts of the environments.

what helps plants and animals live in places    
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How do plants and animals need each other?

In this lesson, students will learn about what plants and animals need to survive and how plants and animals are interdependent.  They will explore the interdependency and impact of the local community on the local environment.

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On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: simulate the interdependencies of the plants and animals of the local environment; identify how plants and animals need each other;
draw and label a picture showing the relationship of plants and animals in the environment and describing what the animals need to survive; describe how the local community and the plants and animals in the local environment are interdependent; and practice scientific processes and inquiry to directly support the concepts of the environments.

how do plants and animals need each other    
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What is a natural resource?

In this lesson, students will learn what a natural resource is and about natural resources in the local community.

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On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: describe what a natural resource is;
identify and classify natural resources in the local community; identify how natural resources are used in the local community; explain how a natural resource was classified; and practice scientific processes and inquiry to directly support the concepts of the natural resources.

what is a natural resource    
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How do people use natural resources?

In this lesson, students will play a BINGO game involving items from their daily life that are made from various natural resources.

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On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: identify items made from natural resources; identify renewable, non-renewable, and reusable resources; and describe how the local community uses renewable, non-renewable, and reusable natural resources.

how do people use natural resources
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How can people protect natural resouces?

In this lesson, students will learn how to conserve and respect natural resources by learning about current methods and traditional ways.

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On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: identify how humans impact natural resources; identify how to conserve and protect natural resources; and identify current methods and traditional ways that respect natural resources and the environment.

how can people protect natural resources    

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Community Project

In this culminating project, students use scientific processes and inquiry, along with local knowledge to identify and propose a solution to a local problem.

On successful completion of all units in Theme 3 (Changing Lifestyles), students will be able to answer the following question with detail and specific examples appropriate to their age group: How can my community adapt to a changing landscape?

learning outcomes