Alaska Research Consortium

The Alaska Research Consortium (ARC) advocates for fisheries and marine science in the North Pacific, acting as a positive catalyst and building partnerships and collaboration to provide workforce development training, technical assistance to businesses, and applied research to support Alaska's seafood into the next generation. The following are the ARC Board of Directors helping to implement the seafood sector strategies of the Alaska Maritime Workforce Development Plan. 

  • Shannon Carroll, Trident Seafoods
  • Paula Cullenberg, Acting Executive Director
  • Duncan Fields, Treasurer, Commercial Fisherman
  • Ginny Eckert, ex-officio, Alaska Sea Grant
  • Pat Jacobson, educator, former University of Alaska Regent
  • Michael Kohan, Sitka Salmon Shares
  • Tom Lance, Vice President, Sun'aq Tribe
  • Matt Moir, North Pacific Seafoods
  • Susan Saupe, Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council
  • Jeff Stephan, Fisheries Advocate
  • Jay Stinson, President, Commercial Fisherman
                                                                       Alaska Seafood Future Action Agenda