Board of Directors
The UA Foundation is legally separate and distinct from the University of Alaska and is governed by a board of directors. This all-volunteer board comprises prominent Alaskans, the president of the University of Alaska, chancellors from each university (UAA/UAF/UAS), and two members of UA Board of Regents.
Board Officers

Jennifer Schrage
Vice Chair (2024-2025)
Vice Chair, Committee on Membership
Anchorage, AK
Signature Land Services

Roald Helgesen
Treasurer (2024-2025)
Chair, Finance & Audit Committee
Juneau and Wasilla, AK
Chief Operating Officer
Central Council of Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska

Stephanie Erickson
Secretary (2024-2025)
Anchorage, AK
Greater Prudhoe Area Manager
ConocoPhillips Alaska
Elected Directors

Anna Atchison
Elected Director
Chair, Development Committee
Boise, ID
U.S. Director of External Affairs
Kinross Gold Corporation

Andrea Canfield
Elected Director
Anchorage, AK
Mergers & Acquisitions Partner
Stoel Rives LLP

Laura Edmondson
Elected Director
Anchorage, AK
Edmondson Consulting, LLC

Jason Gootee
Elected Director
Chair, Committee on Membership
Lake Oswego, OR
Senior Vice President
Moda Partners, Inc.

Todd Greimann
Elected Director
Juneau, AK
Managing Partner
Mauna Loa Land & Cattle, LLC

Shauna Hegna
Elected Director
Anchorage, AK

Brian Holst
Elected Director
Juneau, AK
Executive Director
Juneau Economic Development Council

Mary K. Hughes
Elected Director
Anchorage, AK

Dave Karp
Elected Director
Anchorage, AK
Senior Vice President and Managing Director

Stephanie Madsen
Elected Director
Juneau, AK
Retired, Executive Director
At-Sea Processors Association

Melissa Reiser
Elected Director
Anchorage, AK
Senior Healthcare Lending Officer and Vice President, Corporate Lending
First National Bank Alaska

Benjamin Roth
Elected Director
Fairbanks, AK
Founder and Financial Advisor
SBS Retirement Consultants, LLC

Tim Thompson
Elected Director
Anchorage, AK
Public Relations and Marketing Director – Alaska
Alaska Airlines

Aleesha Towns-Bain
Elected Director
Anchorage, AK
Executive Director
Bristol Bay Foundation
Regent directors

Stephen (Steve) Colligan
Regent Director
University of Alaska
Ex-Officio Directors

Sean Parnell
Ex-officio Director
Anchorage, AK
University of Alaska Anchorage

Daniel White
Ex-officio Director
Fairbanks, AK
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Past Directors
Name | Start | End |
Elmer E. Rasmuson | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1980 |
George C. West | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1980 |
Michael J. Tauriainen | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1980 |
Timothy M. Burgess | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1981 |
Weston O. Van Loon | 11/1/1980 | 6/1/1981 |
Charles O. Ferguson | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1982 |
Edward O. Strandberg | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1982 |
Evelyn D. Walters | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1982 |
Neil B. Bergt | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1982 |
Robert W. Hiatt | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1982 |
Robert Ziegler | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1982 |
William L. Hensley | 11/1/1980 | 6/1/1982 |
Edith R. Bullock | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1983 |
John J. O'Shea | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1983 |
Ronald F. Cosgrave | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1983 |
William J. Sheffield | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1983 |
Frederick O. Eastaugh | 11/1/1980 | 6/1/1983 |
Kenneth D. Bell | 11/1/1980 | 6/1/1983 |
Merritt R. Helfferich | 11/1/1981 | 6/1/1983 |
Sara T. Hannan | 11/1/1981 | 6/1/1983 |
Edwin L. Biggerstaff | 11/1/1982 | 6/1/1984 |
Alvin S. Okeson | 11/1/1983 | 6/1/1984 |
Kolf O. Jayaweera | 11/1/1983 | 6/1/1984 |
George B. Rayburn | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1985 |
Louis F. DeLong | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1985 |
David L. Outcalt | 11/1/1982 | 6/1/1985 |
Jana E. Blakestad | 11/1/1982 | 6/1/1985 |
Michael E. Paradise | 11/1/1982 | 6/1/1985 |
Beatrice L. Shaver | 11/1/1983 | 6/1/1985 |
Joseph M. Joyner | 11/1/1984 | 6/1/1985 |
Byron I. Mallott | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1986 |
Patrick J. O'Rourke | 11/1/1982 | 6/1/1986 |
Richard D. Reeve | 11/1/1982 | 6/1/1986 |
Jane Stewart | 11/1/1983 | 6/1/1986 |
Paul Meyerhoff | 11/1/1984 | 6/1/1986 |
Clark D. Ahlberg | 11/1/1985 | 6/1/1986 |
Lance P. Bousley | 11/1/1985 | 6/1/1986 |
Ronald M. Spatz | 11/1/1985 | 6/1/1986 |
Charles Webber | 11/1/1984 | 6/1/1987 |
Herbert H. Lyon | 11/1/1984 | 6/1/1987 |
Marvin O. Looney | 11/1/1984 | 6/1/1987 |
Hazel P. Heath | 11/1/1985 | 6/1/1987 |
Mary H. Hale | 11/1/1986 | 6/1/1987 |
Robert C. Williams | 1/1/1986 | 12/31/1987 |
Vladimir P. Gavora | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1988 |
Lyle D. Perrigo | 11/1/1986 | 6/1/1988 |
Ralph B. Gabrielli | 11/1/1986 | 6/1/1988 |
Donald D. O'Dowd | 11/1/1984 | 6/1/1989 |
George M. Sullivan | 11/1/1986 | 6/1/1989 |
Judith J. Graham | 11/1/1986 | 6/1/1989 |
Peter B. McDowell | 11/1/1986 | 6/1/1989 |
Donald F. Behrend | 11/1/1987 | 6/1/1989 |
Richard C. Hacker | 11/1/1988 | 6/1/1989 |
Name | Start | End |
Thomas J. Miklautsch | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1990 |
Charles H. Rosenthal | 11/1/1987 | 6/1/1990 |
Ruth E. Burnett | 11/1/1987 | 6/1/1990 |
Marlene A. Johnson | 11/1/1989 | 6/1/1990 |
James A. Johnson | 11/1/1987 | 6/1/1991 |
Raymond C. Highsmith | 11/1/1989 | 6/1/1991 |
Terris Moore | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/1992 |
Peter B. Schust | 11/1/1989 | 6/1/1992 |
Tom Jenson | 11/1/1989 | 6/1/1992 |
Caroline P. Bolar | 11/1/1987 | 6/1/1993 |
Donald B. Abel | 11/1/1990 | 6/1/1993 |
Donna L. Chantry | 11/1/1991 | 6/1/1994 |
Llewellyn M. Williams | 11/1/1992 | 6/1/1994 |
Josephine R. Scott | 11/1/1992 | 6/1/1995 |
Norman S. Wagoner | 11/1/1992 | 6/1/1995 |
Judith R. Divinyi | 11/1/1995 | 6/1/1996 |
Rhonda P. Boyles | 11/1/1995 | 6/1/1996 |
Edward B. Rasmuson | 11/1/1987 | 6/1/1997 |
Jerome B. Komisar | 11/1/1989 | 6/1/1997 |
Earl H. Beistline | 11/1/1993 | 6/1/1997 |
Joseph R. Henri | 11/1/1994 | 6/1/1997 |
Joan K. Wadlow | 11/1/1990 | 6/1/1998 |
Sally R. Wien | 11/1/1995 | 6/1/1998 |
Sharon R. Allen | 11/1/1991 | 6/1/1999 |
Joseph M. Beedle | 11/1/1992 | 6/1/1999 |
Arliss Sturgulewski | 1/1/1983 | 11/18/1999 |
Thomas B. Jensen | 1/1/1992 | 11/18/1999 |
William R. Wood | 11/1/1979 | 6/1/2000 |
Gordon E. Evans | 11/1/1992 | 6/1/2000 |
Jay Barton | 11/1/1979 | 8/1/2000 |
Joe J. Thomas | 11/1/1997 | 11/1/2000 |
Michael J. Burns | 11/1/1997 | 11/1/2001 |
Brendan P. Kelly | 7/1/2001 | 6/1/2002 |
Herbert C. Lang | 11/1/1989 | 11/1/2002 |
Robert E. McManus | 11/1/1999 | 11/1/2002 |
Chancy Croft | 11/1/2001 | 11/1/2002 |
Derek E. Miller | 12/1/2002 | 5/1/2003 |
Janet L. Dye | 7/1/2002 | 6/1/2003 |
Joseph E. Usibelli | 11/1/1983 | 11/1/2003 |
Hugh B. Fate | 11/1/1991 | 11/1/2003 |
Robert E. Giinther | 11/1/1993 | 11/1/2003 |
Brian D. Rogers | 11/1/1999 | 11/1/2003 |
Chris J. Phillips | 11/1/1999 | 11/1/2003 |
Jacqueline S. Pflaum | 11/1/2000 | 6/1/2004 |
Joseph G. Hardenbrook | 11/1/2000 | 6/1/2004 |
Joseph E. Usibelli Jr. | 11/1/2002 | 6/1/2004 |
Marshall L. Lind | 11/1/1987 | 7/1/2004 |
Peter P. Pinney | 9/1/2003 | 7/1/2004 |
Edward L. Gorsuch | 11/1/1993 | 8/1/2004 |
Robert B. Ballow | 11/1/1997 | 11/1/2004 |
Alicia Iden | 3/1/2003 | 5/1/2005 |
Arthur S. Buswell | 11/1/1996 | 5/4/2005 |
David J. Parks | 5/1/2003 | 6/1/2005 |
Michael J. Burns | 6/1/2004 | 6/1/2005 |
Timothy J. Hinterberger | 7/1/2004 | 6/1/2005 |
Michael P. Kelly | 11/1/2003 | 3/1/2006 |
Maureen L. Johnson | 12/1/2003 | 6/1/2006 |
David A. Lawer | 1/1/2005 | 6/1/2006 |
Dennis W. Metrokin | 11/1/2000 | 8/1/2006 |
Barbara L. Shepherd | 6/1/2005 | 8/1/2006 |
Jacob S. Gondek | 6/1/2005 | 8/1/2006 |
Robert B. Boswell | 11/1/1997 | 11/1/2006 |
Gordon E. Evans | 11/1/2002 | 11/1/2006 |
Michael W. Everette | 11/1/2003 | 11/1/2006 |
Elaine P. Maimon | 7/1/2004 | 5/1/2007 |
Jeffry J. Cook | 11/1/1990 | 11/1/2007 |
Phil A. Younker | 11/1/1999 | 11/1/2007 |
John P. Griffin | 11/1/2002 | 2/1/2008 |
Brian J. Brundin | 1/1/1979 | 3/4/2008 |
Stephen B. Jones | 7/1/2004 | 6/30/2008 |
Laraine L. Derr | 11/1/2000 | 11/1/2008 |
Tara K. Sweeney | 11/1/2006 | 11/1/2008 |
Carl H. Marrs | 6/1/2005 | 1/1/2009 |
Charles Webber | 9/11/2009 | |
Sharon D. Gagnon | 11/1/1993 | 11/1/2009 |
William Anderson | 11/1/2006 | 11/1/2009 |
Nate | Start | End |
Mark R. Hamilton | 8/9/1998 | 6/10/2010 |
Alison E. Browne | 11/1/2000 | 7/23/2010 |
Robb A. Milne | 11/1/2007 | 11/1/2010 |
Michael K. Powers | 11/1/2009 | 1/1/2011 |
Angela S. Cox | 11/1/2008 | 4/1/2011 |
Michael T. Felix | 11/1/2006 | 4/15/2011 |
Frances A. Ulmer | 3/1/2007 | 5/1/2011 |
Carla J. Beam | 2/1/2007 | 7/31/2011 |
William L. MacKay | 11/1/1996 | 11/1/2011 |
Wendy King | 6/1/2008 | 11/1/2011 |
Bob G. Mitchell | 11/1/2008 | 11/1/2011 |
Kirk A. Wickersham | 1/1/2009 | 12/1/2011 |
Ann T. Thompson-Parrish | 11/1/1991 | 11/1/2012 |
Wendy King | 2/1/2008 | 11/1/2012 |
Theodore F. Fathauer | 11/1/1996 | 1/20/2013 |
Lorali M. Simon | 11/1/2010 | 11/1/2013 |
Anand Vadapalli | 11/1/2011 | 11/1/2013 |
Carolyne L. Wallace | 12/1/2003 | 12/1/2014 |
Fuller A. Cowell | 2/1/2012 | 1/1/2015 |
Amy E. Humphreys | 11/1/2013 | 4/1/2015 |
John R. Pugh | 8/1/1999 | 5/30/2015 |
Patrick K. Gamble | 6/1/2010 | 8/31/2015 |
Brian D. Rogers | 7/1/2008 | 9/1/2015 |
Gregory J. Gursey | 11/1/2000 | 11/1/2015 |
Eric E. Wohlforth | 11/1/2006 | 11/1/2015 |
Jo A. Michalski | 11/1/2006 | 11/1/2015 |
Betsy E. Lawer | 11/1/2009 | 11/1/2015 |
Melody D. Feniks | 11/1/2009 | 11/1/2015 |
Michael K. Powers | 9/1/2015 | 8/12/2016 |
Karen M. Polley | 11/1/2010 | 12/1/2016 |
John C. Hughes | 11/1/1979 | 12/4/2016 |
Lisa M. Parker | 11/1/2015 | 5/10/2017 |
Grace B. Schaible | 6/9/2017 | |
Thomas R. Case | 5/1/2011 | 7/1/2017 |
Dana L. Thomas | 8/12/2016 | 7/1/2017 |
Grace Greene | 5/1/2017 | 7/25/2017 |
Frank K. Paskvan | 11/1/2011 | 12/1/2017 |
Samuel B. Gingerich | 7/1/2017 | 9/15/2018 |
Leo B. Bustad | 11/1/2009 | 12/31/2018 |
Susan A. Anderson | 11/1/2009 | 12/31/2018 |
John R. Pugh | 11/1/2015 | 12/31/2018 |
Latosha M. Frye | 11/1/2015 | 12/31/2018 |
Jyotsna L. Heckman | 5/1/2017 | 12/31/2018 |
Michael P. Buzinski | 1/1/2018 | 7/29/2019 |
James W. Kostka | 1/1/2017 | 12/31/2019 |
Richard A. Caulfield | 6/1/2015 | 6/30/2020 |
Todd T. Fletcher | 1/1/2018 | 8/1/2020 |
James R. Johnsen | 11/1/2011 | 8/2/2020 |
John S. Jepsen | 11/1/2011 | 12/31/2020 |
Marilyn F. Romano | 1/1/2012 | 12/31/2020 |
Cathy Sandeen | 9/15/2018 | 1/3/2021 |
Bruce R. Schultz | 1/4/2021 | 6/11/2021 |
Darroll R. Hargraves | 2/19/2019 | 1/17/2022 |
Arliss Sturgulewski | 11/8/2001 | 4/7/2022 |
Cary S. Keller | 1/1/2014 | 12/31/22 |
Cynthia L. Cartledge | 1/1/2014 | 12/31/22 |
Jyotsna L. Heckman | 1/1/2020 | 12/31/22 |
Karen T. Carey | 7/1/2020 | 6/30/23 |
Alexander H. Slivka | 12/2/2015 | 4/30/2023 |
Heather Cavanaugh | 5/1/2017 | 12/31/2023 |
Julee Farley | 1/1/2018 | 12/31/2023 |
Tammy Kosa | 1/1/2023 | 2/22/2024 |
John J Burns | 1/1/2023 | 5/24/2024 |
Laura Bruce | 12/2/2015 | 12/31/2024 |
Rhonda Oliver | 1-1/2019 | 12/31/2024 |