Moore Hall (UAF)

Terris Moore Hall

Terris Moore Hall
Terris Moore Hall

Fairbanks Campus

Description: 1876 Yukon Drive

Opened in 1966, this eight-story coed residence hall on Yukon Drive is the western-most building of the Moore-Bartlett-Skarland Complex. Dedicated to former UA President Terris Moore in 1968, Moore Hall can house up to 322 students. The bottom floor of Moore Hall contains three lounges and a kitchen area.

During the 1967 Fairbanks flood, floors 7 and 8 were home to residents of the Fairbanks Pioneers Home.

In the mid-1990s, the university installed wiring for high-speed Internet access and cable television in Moore Hall, which is coed by floor. The hall reopened in 1998. The rooms received facelifts, as well as new furniture.

Terris Moore Hall Dedication

UA President: Terris Moore