Northern Region Peregrine Heights Subdivision Phase II, III and IV


PLAT #2003-138 (PHASE III)
PLAT #2006-149 (PHASE IV)

Maps & Documents



The University of Alaska is offering several lots/tract for sale, through a real estate broker, in Peregrine Heights Subdivision, Phase II, III & IV, which is located at approximately 3-Mile Chena Ridge Road on Canterbury Drive, Gower Drive and Yeoman Drive.
The lots/tract have views of the Tanana River Valley and/or the city of Fairbanks.  Depending on the lots/tract, topography is moderately to steeply sloping and forested with birch, spruce and aspen trees.  The subdivision is within the boundaries of the Chena Hills Road Service District in the Fairbanks North Star Borough and is zoned Rural Estate 2 (RE-2).
The University has partially extended electric service within Phase II, III & IV.  Not all of the lots/tract have nearby access to electric service.  Interested parties are encouraged to contact Golden Valley Electric Association and phone providers to determine costs associated with connecting to electric and phone service.
Lot 19, Block 4 and Lots 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 15, 18 and 19, Block 5, as generally shown on the attached land disposal map and air photo, contain organic overburden fill areas.  Future owners of these parcels are strongly advised not to construct improvements on these fill areas.
Lot 26, Block 3 will be sold subject to a twenty-five foot (25’) wide driveway easement adjacent to Canterbury Drive, for the benefit of Lot 27, Block 3, as generally shown on the attached land disposal map.
This subdivision is subject to certain covenants, conditions and restrictions, except Tract A-1.  Copies of the Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Peregrine Heights Subdivision are available above, or from the Land Management office in Anchorage or Fairbanks.
Information concerning these parcels is available for review at Powered by Lymburner Realty (Powered by Lymburner Realty) office located at 235 Santa Claus Lane, Suite 8, North Pole, Alaska 99705.  Please call Jerry Lymburner at (907) 802-2400 for more information.
This notice is effective until all parcels are sold.
Interested parties should thoroughly inspect these lots/tract prior to submitting an offer to ensure that the lots/tract are suitable for the party’s intended use and to determine all permitting requirements related to that intended use.  Additional information regarding these lots/tract may be available from local, state and federal offices, including but not limited to:  the city or borough assessor’s office, building permitting office and land planning office; local utility companies; district recorder’s office; the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Game and Department of Transportation and Public Facilities; and the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management, Geological Survey and Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Copies of the Peregrine Heights Subdivision, Phase II (Plat #98-74), Phase III (Plat #2003-138) & Phase IV (Plat #2006-149) are available at the District Recorder’s office in Fairbanks (Phone:  907.452.3521) or online (using the “Search Menu”, then “Plat Search”).
The lots/tract will be sold at fair market value.

FA.PH.0057 Peregrine, Phase II 12 3 4.465
Peregrine, Phase III  26 3 1.864 **SOLD**
FA.PH.0072 Peregrine, Phase III 27 3 1.911
FA.PH.0080 Peregrine, Phase III 8  4 1.871 
 Peregrine, Phase III   9  1.875 **SOLD**
 FA.PH.0082  Peregrine, Phase III  10 1.883 
 FA.PH.0083  Peregrine, Phase III  1 2.346 
 FA.PH.0085  Peregrine, Phase IV   28  3 1.883 **PENDING**
FA.PH.0086   Peregrine, Phase IV  29 3 1.895 
 Peregrine, Phase IV  37 3 1.530  **SOLD**
FA.PH.0095  Peregrine, Phase IV  38 3 2.239  **SOLD**
FA.PH.0102   Peregrine, Phase IV  17 4 2.029 
FA.PH.0104   Peregrine, Phase IV   19  4 2.496 
FA.PH.0108   Peregrine, Phase IV  1.929 
FA.PH.0109   Peregrine, Phase IV  2.162 
FA.PH.0110   Peregrine, Phase IV  2.290 
FA.PH.0114   Peregrine, Phase IV  12  3.191  **SOLD**
FA.PH.0115   Peregrine, Phase IV  13  2.678 
FA.PH.0118  Peregrine, Phase IV   16  5 2.234  **SOLD**
FA.PH.0119  Peregrine, Phase IV  17 1.921 
FA.PH.0120   Peregrine, Phase IV  18 1.948 
FA.PH.0121  Peregrine, Phase IV 19 5 2.397
FA.PH.0122  Peregrine, Phase IV  20 2.013 
FA.PH.0123   Peregrine, Phase IV  21 1.951 
FA.PH.0124   Peregrine, Phase IV  22 1.851  **SOLD**
FA.PH.0125   Peregrine, Phase IV  23 1.888  **SOLD**
FA.PH.0126   Peregrine, Phase IV  24 2.016 
FA.PH.0127   Peregrine, Phase IV  2 2.477 
FA.PH.0128   Peregrine, Phase IV  3 2.677 
FA.PH.0129   Peregrine, Phase IV  4 2.602 
FA.PH.0131   Peregrine, Phase IV  Tract A-1    21.021



Northern Region Residential Broker Land Sale - Peregrine Heights
The lots/tract listed above are being offered by the University of Alaska at or above fair market value. The terms and conditions of this offering are available below. Offer to Purchase Forms are attached to the terms and conditions. These transactions will be completed by a broker. A sample copy of the University's Broker Purchase Agreement is available for review below.