Southcentral Region Port MacKenzie


T14N, R4W, SECS. 13, 14, 23 & 26

Maps & Documents


lease Description

The University of Alaska is currently offering all or portions of four parcels near Port MacKenzie for commercial lease and/or material extraction.  The parcels are located within the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, approximately 30 miles southwest of Wasilla and in close proximity to Port MacKenzie.
The parcels are generally level to gently sloping and may contain moraines or low and wet areas.  Vegetation is typically a mixture of hardwood and spruce trees.  Access to parcels MS.PM.0001, MS.PM.0002 and MS.PM.0004 is along section line easements.  The successful offeror for these parcels will be required to secure any necessary access authorizations and to construct and maintain any required roads and drainage systems necessary for the offeror’s use.  Access to parcel MS.PM.0003 is south of Point MacKenzie road at MP 18.5, approximately 50 feet past the Alutiiq LLC driveway and via a Mat-Su Borough access easement followed by an unnamed, constructed road.  Five acres of the northwest corner of MS.PM.0003 (as depicted on the attached parcel map) is developed and suitable for building.  The parcels are subject to port industrial district zoning requirements under the Borough Point MacKenzie Port Special Use District Ordinance (MSB 17.23).
Additional information regarding these parcels may be available from local, state and federal offices, including but not limited to:  the city or borough assessor’s office, building permitting office and land planning office; local utility companies; district recorder’s office; the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Game and Department of Transportation and Public Facilities; and the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management, Geological Survey and Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Interested parties should thoroughly inspect these parcels prior to submitting an offer to ensure that the parcels are suitable for the party’s intended use and to determine all permitting requirements related to that intended use.  Parcel inspections that require the use of any equipment, including excavation or drilling equipment; may only be conducted after receipt of a permit from the University, and after verification by the interested party that they have secured legal access to the parcel from adjacent land owners, if necessary.

MS.PM.0001 Point
 13, 14  Section 13:
SW4NW4 &
Lots 2 & 3
(88.740 Ac.)
Section 14:
S2NE4, SE4
(280.000 Ac.)
MS.PM.0002 Point
 14  SW4NW4,
MS.PM.0003 Point
23  S2NW4SE4,
MS.PM.0004 Point
26   W2 320.000 



Commercial Lease

The University of Alaska is requesting applications from qualified individuals or firms interested in leasing and developing commercial projects on the parcel(s) listed above.  Applications will be evaluated as they are received.  The terms and conditions of this offering are available below.