Southcentral Region UAA Tract 1 U-Med Professional Park Subd
PLAT 2004-149
Maps & Documents
The University of Alaska (“University”) is currently offering Tract 1 of the U-MED Professional Park Subdivision Tract 1 and Tract 2, consisting of approximately 7.162 acres, for commercial ground lease. This unimproved vacant parcel is located at the intersection of Lake Otis & Providence Drive within the University-Medical (U-MED) District in Anchorage, Alaska. This property is uniquely situated at a highly visible corner lot with convenient access from Laurel Street. The neighborhood is an established medical district adjacent to the UAA campus with many medical practices looking for locations to expand within the area.
The University requires that the proposed development align with UAA’s Campus Master Plan and the U-MED District Plan (available through the MOA) and is compatible with the community development of the surrounding neighborhood.
The Property will be leased for commercial purposes “as-is” with no warranties or representations by nature, including, without limitation, any relating to the applicant’s ability to use the property for any intended purpose except as expressly stated in the Ground Lease. The applicant should keep in mind that it will be responsible for ensuring that the proposed use complies with current local regulations by contacting the applicable Planning Department. In addition, the applicant will ultimately be responsible for obtaining any necessary local land use approvals for the proposed project development.
The successful applicant will be required to secure any necessary access authorizations and to construct and maintain any required roads, driveways, access points and drainage systems necessary for the applicant’s use.
Interested parties should thoroughly inspect these lots prior to submitting an offer
to ensure that the lots are suitable for the party’s intended use and to determine
all permitting requirements related to that intended use. Additional information
regarding these lots may be available from local, state and federal offices, including
but not limited to: the city or borough assessor’s office, building permitting office
and land planning office; local utility companies; district recorder’s office; the
State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation,
Department of Fish and Game and Department of Transportation and Public Facilities;
and the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management, Geological Survey
and Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Lot inspections
that require the use of any equipment, including excavation or drilling equipment;
may only be conducted after receipt of a permit from the University, and after verification
by the interested party that they have secured legal access to the lot from adjacent
land owners, if necessary.
A copy of the Tract 1 of the U-MED Professional Park Subdivision Tract 1 and Tract
2, Plat 2004-149 is available at the District Recorder’s office in Anchorage (Phone:
907.269-8876) or online (using the “Search the Recorder’s Office statewide database”, then “Plat Search”).
AN.AC.4017 | U-Med Professional Park Subdivision Tract 1 and Tract 2 | Tract 1 | 7.162 |
Commercial Lease
The University of Alaska is requesting applications from qualified individuals or firms interested in leasing and developing commercial projects on the parcel(s) listed above. Applications will be evaluated as they are received. The terms and conditions of this offering are available below.