Alaskans - Government Officials
E.L. "Bob" Bartlett
Delegate to Congress
US Senator
Secretary of Alaska
Member, Alaska Statehood Committee
- Introduced the Alaska Statehood Act, which successfully passed Congress and was signed into law in 1958.
- Constant advocate for statehood throughout his tenure as Delegate
Name Edward Lewis Bartlett
City Fairbanks
Occupation Politician and Newspaperman
Born April 20, 1904 - Seattle, Washington
Died December 11, 1968 - Cleveland Ohio
Alaska Resident 1910-68
- "Alaskan of the Year" - 1968
- Honored with statue in US Capitol - 1969
- Various honors throughout state, including Bartlett High School in Anchorage & Bartlett Residence Hall at the University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tony Dimond
Delegate to Congress
Territorial Legislator
US District Judge
Mayor, City of Valdez
- A Leader of the modern Alaska Statehood movement
- Advocate for statehood throughout his tenure as Delegate and Federal Judge
Name Anthony Joseph Dimond
City Valdez
Occupation Lawyer
Born November 30, 1881 - Palatine Bridge, New York
Died May 28, 1953 - Anchorage, Alaska
Alaska Resident 1905 - 1953
- Dimond High School in Anchorage named in his honor
- Honorary Doctorate - University of Alaska, 1950
William A. Egan
President, Alaska Constitutional Convention
Governor, State of Alaska
Alaska-Tennessee Plan Senator
Territorial Legislator
- His leadership of the Constitutional Convention is widely credited as being one of the keys to the success of the meeting
- Served two years as an "Alaska-Tennessee Plan" Senator in Washington D.C.
- Only person elected to three terms as Alaska's Governor
Name William A. Egan
City Valdez
Occupation Merchant and Politician
Born October 8, 1914 - Valdez, Alaska
Died May, 1984 - Anchorage, Alaska
Alaska Resident Lifelong
- "Alaskan of the Year" - 1971
- Honorary Doctorate, University of Alaska - 1972
Ernest Gruening
Territorial Governor of Alaska
Alaska-Tennessee Plan Senator
US Senator
Member, Alaska Statehood Committee
- "Father of Alaska Statehood"
- Authored "The State of Alaska," a national bestseller that advocated statehood for Alaska
- Constant advocate for statehood throughout his tenure as Governor
Name Ernest Gruening
City Juneau
Occupation Politician and Newspaperman
Born February 6, 1887 - New York
Died June 26, 1974 - Washington D.C.
Alaska Resident 1939-74
- Honored with statue in US Capitol - 1977
- Mount Ernest Gruening in Juneau named in his honor
- Gruening Building on UAF Campus named in his honor
- American Jewish Hall of Fame Inductee
B. Frank Heintzleman
Territorial Governor of Alaska
Member, Alaska Statehood Committee
- Widely considered a lukewarm supporter of statehood, Heintzleman successfully swayed national Republican leaders to support Alaska's admission to the Union
- Proposed the widely derided "partition plan," which would have created the State of Alaska from Southeast, Southcentral and Interior Alaska, while leaving Western and Arctic Alaska as a territory.
- Signed the bill establishing the Alaska Constitutional Convention
Name Benjamin Franklin Heintzleman
City Juneau
Occupation Forester
Born December 3, 1888 - Fayetteville, Pennsylvania
Died June 24, 1963 - Juneau, Alaska
Alaska Resident 1918-63
- Superior Service Award - US Dept. of Agriculture
- Sir William Schlich Award - American Society of Foresters
- Juneau's "Man of the Year" - 1959
- "Outstanding Alaskan" - State Chamber of Commerce
Frank Peratrovich
Member, Alaska Statehood Committee
Delegate & Vice President, Alaska Constitutional Convention
State & Territorial Legislator
Mayor, City of Klawock
- Only Alaska Native elected to the Constitutional Convention
- Served on Alaska Statehood Committee from 1949-59
- President of the Alaska Native Brotherhood
Name Frank Peratrovich
City Klawock
Occupation Merchant
Born April 2, 1895 - Klawock, Alaska
Died January, 1984 - Ketchikan
Alaska Resident Lifelong
- Honorary Doctorate of Public Service, University of Alaska - 1973
- 49er Hall of Fame
- President, Alaska Native Brotherhood
Ralph Rivers
Second Vice President, Alaska Constitutional Convention
Territorial Attorney General
Territorial Legislator
Alaska-Tennessee Plan Congressman
US Congressman
- Used the office of the Attorney General to conduct research on the feasibility of Alaska Statehood
- Served two years as the Alaska-Tennessee Plan Congressman prior to being elected Alaska's first Congressman
Name Ralph Julian Rivers
City Fairbanks
Occupation Lawyer
Born May 23, 1904 - Seattle, Washington
Died August 1976 - Chehalis, Washington
Alaska Resident 1906 - 1967
- Honorary Doctorate, University of Alaska - 1974
Michael Stepovich
Member, Alaska Statehood Committee
Governor, Territory of Alaska
Territorial Legislator
- Active advocate for statehood throughout his tenure in office
- Last Territorial Governor of Alaska
Name Michael Anthony Stepovich
City Fairbanks
Occupation Lawyer
Born March 12, 1919
Alaska Resident 1919-?
James Wickersham
Delegate to Congress
US District Judge
Washington State Legislator
- Introduced the first Alaska Statehood Bill to Congress in 1916
- Responsible for the passage of the Second Organic Act, providing the Territory of Alaska with an elected legislature
- One of the most dominant figures in Alaska political history
- Introduced legislation in Congress to establish the Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines, the precursor to the University of Alaska
Name James Wickersham
City Eagle, Nome, Fairbanks, Juneau
Occupation Lawyer, Author
Born August 24, 1857 - Patoka, Illinois
Died October 24, 1939 - Juneau, Alaska
Alaska Resident 1900-39
- Honorary Doctorate, University of Alaska - 1935
- Wickersham Hall on the UAF Campus named in his honor
- Wickersham Wall, one of the ascent routes to the summit of Denali (Mt. McKinley) discovered by him and named in his honor (Wickersham was one of the first to attempt climbing Denali, when he lead a team of four to the 10,000 ft level of the mountain in 1903)