W.W. Laws

Name: W.W. Laws
City: Nome
District: 7
Occupation: Fireman, Policeman, City Administrator
Born: January 23, 1882 - Clark County, Washington
Death: July 10, 1967 - Nome, Alaska
Burial Location: Belmont Point Cemetery, Nome Alaska
Alaska Resident: 1935-67
Convention Posts:
- Member, Committee on Administration
- Member, Committee on Ordinances and Transitional Measures
Education: High School
Public Offices and Organizations:
- Territorial House of Representatives - 1947-49, 1951-53
- Police and Fire Chief, City of Nome - 1935-46

W.W. “Chief” Laws Dies in Hospital
One of Nome's prominent and longtime citizens died this morning at MMM Hospital, following nearly a year of hospitalization in Nome and Anchorage hospitals.
W. W. "Chief" Laws, who came here in 1935 to become fire and police chief, was first hospitalized last August, following a stroke. He was moved to an Anchorage hospital two days later. His leg was amputated after he spent five days in the hospital there. He was returned to MMM Hospital May 15 of this year.
He was called "Chief" by nearly everyone in town -- adults and children alike because of his long association as police and fire chief for the City of Nome. He retired from the dual job in the late 1950s.
Laws was born in the Camas area of southwestern Washington, Jan. 23, 1884. He was a detective and chief of the Vancouver Fire Department when he quit to come to Alaska. He flew to Nome in an open cockpit plane the year after the big fire which destroyed most of Nome.
Long active in Republican politics, he was known as “Mr. Republican” to many of his friends here. He was at one time a member of the Constitutional Convention. He was a member of the Pioneers.
He is survived by a son, Bill Laws, of Nome, and a sister, Mrs. Lexie Smith of Portland, Ore.
“Chief” Laws will be intered at Belmont Point Cemetery. Funeral services are pending word whether or not his sister will be able to come here for the funeral.
Nome Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Source: Nome Nugget – July 10, 1967