Overview of Statewide and the impacts of budget reductions

Statewide Voice Article, Nov. 2016
As the University of Alaska examines how best to position itself to meet the future needs of Alaska and its students, steps have been taken to reduce Statewide administrative costs. A series of initiatives including Statewide Transformation and Strategic Pathways have, and will continue to shape and restructure the university as a whole.

The intent of this overview is to provide a look at  where reductions have been made, where reorganizations have occurred and to outline the purpose of the centralized functions remaining at Statewide.  READ.

Updates to Statewide Transformation Decisions

As part of ongoing efforts to communicate about changes underway as a result of the Statewide Transformation review, charts with the final recommendations, RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) appointments and status updates have been posted to newly created pages on the Transformation Team website

On April 14, President Johnsen announced 113 recommendations including reductions in functions or positions, changes in the location of work being done, and changes in how Statewide collaborates with campuses. There were deadlines associated with each recommendation varying from done or no change to 30-, 60-, or 90- days.

Since April, there have been massive changes affecting Statewide and the UA system as a whole, including the State passing a budget with a $25 million  reduction, the launching of Strategic Pathways reviews, research into institutional accreditation and ongoing discussions on optimizing the university system. While many of the Statewide Transformation recommendations have been completed or are in progress, others have had the deadlines extended or have been incorporated into Strategic Pathways reviews.

The President has tasked his direct reports with providing status updates on the recommendations under their authority. Those ongoing reports will be used to periodically update the webpages.

Academic Affairs/University Relations



Human Resources

Information Technology

RACI Model Applied to Final Transformation Decisions

The RACI model has been assigned for all the SW Transformation Decisions. Download a PDF updated May 24, 2016 for details on who is Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed for each recommendation.

Statewide Transformation FAQ's

April 14, 2016 update Statewide Transformation FAQ's  READ


Working Team Members Invited to Join Transformation Process

Click HERE to see the SW and campus employees invited to the six working groups.

Addendum to Initial Report

Download the addendum to the initial report HERE.
Distributed Nov. 30, 2015

Preliminary Statewide Transformation Report

Download a copy of the preliminary Transformation Team recommendations HERE.
Distributed 9/29/15

Transformation Team Members

Bruce Schultz, UAA Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs
Rashmi Prasad, UAA Dean College of Business and Public Policy
Nettie La Belle-Hamer, UAF Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Director Alaska Satellite Facility
Julie Queen, Director, UAF Office of Management and Budget
Michael Ciri, UAS Vice-Chancellor Administrative Services
Maren Haavig, UAS Assistant Professor of Accounting, Senate Faculty President Elect
Carla Beam, UA Vice President University Relations, President UA Foundation
Michelle Rizk, UA Chief Strategy, Planning and Budget Officer

Supporting Documentation
These reports were used to formulate the functional org chart.
Strategy, Planning and Budget
President's Office
Board of Regents Office
Academic Affairs
University Relations and Foundation
General Counsel and Risk