Budget Workteam
The goal of the Budget workteam is to promote consistency, transparency and efficiency of budget related processes across the UA system.
The Office of Strategy, Planning and Budget coordinates a cross-functional team with participants from Finance, Human Resources, Institutional Research, Planning and Budget, and MAU level Budget departments. Members meet regularly to discuss current and future budget related topics.
As a technical working group, meetings are closed and membership is limited. Communication with stakeholders at the MAU level is facilitated through current members. If you have an item for the team to address or would like to be considered for membership, please contact the liaisons for your MAU.
University liaison members:
UAF Jason Theis, Office of Finance and Accounting Director
Phone: (907) 474-6223
Email: jwtheis@alaska.edu
UAA Amanda Graham, Budget Office Director
Phone: (907) 786-4636
Email: argraham3@alaska.edu
Trudy James, Budget Analyst
Phone: (907) 786-4635
Email: tjjames@alaska.edu
UAS Julie Vigil, Director of Budget & Grants Administration
Phone: (907) 796-6494
Email: jlvigil@alaska.edu
SO Alton Denton, Senior Budget Officer (Finance)
Phone: (907) 450-8072
Email: UA-SO-Budget-Office@alaska.edu
Heather Arana, Director of Employee Transition and Benefits (Human Resources)
Phone: (907) 450-8226
Email: hrarana@alaska.edu
Gwendolyn Gruenig, Director of Data Analysis & Institutional Research (IR)
Phone: (907) 450-8190
Email: gdgruenig@alaska.edu