Shaping Alaska's Future
Accountability to the People of Alaska
Here’s a quick snapshot of some achievements accomplished thus far
- UA partnered with the legislature to support the University Building Fund—a more efficient approach to using space and facilities
- UAF’s renovation of the Wood Center represents the first public-private-partnership, or P3, for the university, an innovative approach to funding services for students.
- Continued electronic process improvements, such as the new travel expense management program, electronic timesheets and ongoing effort to incentivize employee participation in automatic payroll deposit, eliminate waste and cut down on personnel costs
- Prioritization processes ongoing at Statewide and all UA campuses—recognition of budget challenges ahead.
- UA health-care costs have actually gone down, systemwide. Leadership believes our investment in wellness and supporting healthy lifestyles is a leading factor.
We owe it to Alaskans
Alaskans told us clearly that their future is deeply invested in the entire education continuum, K-16. Every Alaska school district, business and community is a potential partner, beneficiary and contributor toward UA’s comprehensive effort to meet state education and workforce development challenges.
Shaping Alaska's Future is a comprehensive initiative to pursue much improved and
measureable student outcomes at every level, to create greater academic and economic
value, and stimulate a greater state return on a significant state investment.
Issue and Effect Statements
The Issue statements below address compelling concerns raised by Alaskans through more than 80 listening sessions. The Effect statements associated with each Issue statement express what UA intends to achieve as a high-performing education institution.
ISSUE A: The higher education environment in which UA operates is changing rapidly. Effecting the associated cultural shift that is needed can only occur as a result of widespread faculty and staff support, commitment and leadership at every level.
Effect: UA leadership, faculty and staff articulate our future direction, discover pathways to achieve the vision and are empowered to effect the changes required.
ISSUE B: Diversity is one of Alaska’s strengths. Yet, the richness of what our university can offer to students, employees and the state of Alaska will not be achieved until UA more fully embraces Alaska Native and other minority cultures and enhances their professional development opportunities.
Effect: The diversity of UA faculty, staff and administrators reflects the diversity of Alaska’s peoples.
ISSUE C: Before UA requests additional buildings, it must ensure current facilities are fully scheduled and fully utilized.
Effect: UA facilities are efficiently utilized to meet student, academic, community and research needs.
ISSUE D: UA is often judged, not by the quality of its education, research or outreach, but rather by the personal experience that an individual encounters when accessing those programs. Similarly, employee effectiveness and morale depend upon their own personal experiences when they need assistance from another employee or group within the university system.
Effect: UA values, supports and delivers excellent service at every level.
ISSUE E: Alaska’s forecast fiscal condition will increase expectations of the UA Board of Regents, legislators and other community leaders that UA will further address revenue generation, cost-effectiveness and cooperation across the UA system.
Effect: Greater efficiency, effectiveness, quality and revenue generation result from UA-wide collaborative decision-making and cooperation.
ISSUE F: Five years of consistent state funding has significantly reduced the rate of increase of deferred maintenance. However, the deferred maintenance backlog continues to grow and there is no funding commitment after 2015 to address UA’s needs. Deferred maintenance is the UA Board of Regents’ first capital priority because the risk posed by the backlog is unacceptable.
Effect: UA’s deferred maintenance backlog is reduced to an acceptable level.