Emergency Management

GOALS Emergency Preparedness:

  1. Ensure the safety and security of the faculty, staff, students and visitors.
  2. Minimize disruption of the academic program.
  3. Minimize university losses.
  4. Maintain university operations and essential services.
  5. Assist the community in disaster recovery.

Business and Academic Continuity of Operations Planning Program (doc)
The Business and Academic Continuity of Operations Planning Program is to document a plan for recovery and resumption of critical functions within your department after an emergency has occurred. This is a tool to be used as a guide to assist you in developing a plan that is effective for your department, and you should feel free to be flexible in creating your individual plan.

Alaska Pandemic Influenza Plan (pdf)
The Alaska Statute (AS 18.15.390) defines the authority of the Department of Health and Social Services to address public health disasters. In addition, Alaska Statute 18.15.355-18.15.385 defines the authority of the Department of Health and Social Services to collect and analyze health information, conduct epidemiologic investigations, institute isolation and quarantine measures, and provide appropriate medical treatment.

Alaska Influenza Surveillance Report
This table only represents confirmed H1N1 cases. We know H1N1 novel influenza is circulating in all regions of Alaska and have recently elected to target laboratory testing to focus on identifying the most severely affected persons. Therefore, many cases of H1N1 novel influenza with mild illness will not be identified and do not appear in this data table.

State health department now on Twitter, Facebook
To follow the state’s updates, Twitter subscribers can follow Alaska_DHSS. To subscribe to Twitter, go to http://twitter.com/Alaska_DHSS.
On Facebook, find DHSS’s fan page by searching for Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. By clicking the button to become a fan, users will get regular updates in their Facebook news feeds. To subscribe to Facebook, go to http://www.facebook.com.

Other Resources

ALASKA UPDATES on Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (go to Daily Situation Report)

American Red Cross

Campus Safety Health and Environmental Management Association (CSHEMA) Higher Ed Opportunity Act (HEOA)
FEMA Personal Preparedness
FEMA for Kids
National Fire Protection Association
Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities
Department of Homeland Security
National Incident Management System
National Response Plan (pdf)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

US Government Official Web site on Flu
World Health Organization

Pandemic Response Plan

A pandemic influenza is a worldwide outbreak of a new flu virus for which there is little or no immunity (protection). No one can predict when the next pandemic flu will occur or how seer it will be. What is known is that flu pandemics have occurred three times in the last century. The virus spread easily from person-to-person, may cause serious illness and can sweep across the country and round the world in a very short time. A flu pandemic may come and go in waves.

The challenges facing the a multi-campus system, like the University of Alaska, during a pandemic are many and planning a  response to a pandemic event and other infection control and emergency events is an ongoing process. As such, montoring your specific campus (UAA, UAF and UAS) sites will be nessessary. They will be updated in response to updates and changes in the global, national, regional, and campus status of the potential influenza threat.

UA Pandemic Preparedness Plan


****This UA Emergency Preparedness site was, with permission, modeled after the University of Idaho Emergency Preparedness web site.