General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is new data privacy law applicable to the European Union subjects and business operations that involve EU subjects. The new law results from the need to protect data and privacy rights of students, faculty, exchange students, researchers, employees, donors and alumni. 

Rights for Individuals in the European Economic Area 

You have the right in certain circumstances to (1) access your personal information; (2) correct/rectify  (3) erase information (subjected to UA Records Retention Program), (4) restrict processing; and (5) object to communications, direct marketing, or profiling. To the extent applicable, the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation provides further information about your rights. You also have the right to lodge complaints with your national or regional data protection authority (European Union - GDPR).

GDPR - Enrollment and Employment Application Disclosures

When you access the University of Alaska student enrollment and employment web sites and/or paper based application forms, you will be asked to provide your information. The data you submit is for purposes of applying to enroll in a degree program, or course or courses, and/or employment with the University of Alaska (UA).  We will need to process your data in order to determine your eligibility.

University of Alaska Enrollment Application Disclosure

University of Alaska Employment Application Disclosure

Questions about GDPR, data privacy and contacting University of Alaska Data Protection and Compliance Office

Please contact us by email at or at the following address:

Data Protection & Compliance Office, University of Alaska, 2025 Yukon Drive  Suite 102, Fairbanks, AK 99775, Phone: 907-450-8074