University Relations

University Relations

University Relations Options Report PDF
University Relations PDF
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Develop and review options for organizational restructuring including but not limited to further decentralization, consolidation at one campus, or consolidation at SW of functions that support improvements in service and cost effectiveness through outsourcing, automation, intercampus collaboration, process standardization, and other means TBD by the team.

Public affairs, marketing and communications across the system.

Long Term Goals
- Reduce operating costs
- Align with UA priorities

Team Members
Megan Olson, Keni Campbell, Kristin DeSmith, Robbie Graham, Marmian Grimes, Megan Moore, Michelle Renfrew, Sarah Schaefer, Geri Simon
Faculty Governance - Megan Buzby
Staff Governance - Eric Johnson
Student Governance - Molly O'Scannell

Institutional Support
Facilitator - Professional Growth Systems (PGS)