Travel Queries
Travel Projected Spend (FAR2TPS)
- Source: The FAR2TPS table is populated from a Concur report, updated daily at 3:30 AM in the Production database.
- RPTP Update Schedule: FAR2TPS is refreshed in the RPTP on-premises database between 4 AM and 6 AM, ensuring the latest projections from Concur in both PROD and RPTP.
- Data Origin:
- Requests: Initially, trip data comes from any submitted Request.
- Expense Reports: Once a Request is linked to a submitted Expense Report, the data reflects the Expense Report.
- Approval: After final approval of the Expense Report, the data is removed from FAR2TPS and posted as a year-to-date expense in Banner with a Concur JV (starting with CJ).
- Cancellations/Closures: Cancelled or closed Requests will remove the trip data from FAR2TPS.
- New Expense Reports: If a new Expense Report is submitted for a previously associated Request, the new data will be available in FAR2TPS.
Reason for Query
This query is to provide a budget summary based on fiscal year that includes the projected
travel spend from FAR2TPS similar to what is seen in FGIBDST.
The query, fgbopal_far2tps_summary_query_RPTP.sql provides a budget summary by account: Adjusted Budget, YTD Activity, Commitments,
Travel Projected Spend, and Available Balance.
The parameters:
How it Works
The FY is required for this query. The output will be budget information by account
based on the parameters selected through period 14.
Reason for Query
This query is to provide a budget summary based on inception to date activity that
includes the projected travel spend from FAR2TPS similar to what is seen in FRIGITD
(inception to date).
The query, frrgrnl_far2tps_summary_query_RPTP.sql provides a budget summary by account: Adjusted Budget, Activity, Commitments,
Travel Projected Spend, and Available Balance.
The parameters:
How it Works
To use this query the budget summary inception to date output needs to be associated
with a grant. The grant number is not a required prompt.
Reason for Query
This query is to provide trip details for what makes up the projected travel spend.
The query, far2tps_Detail_RPTP.sql provides the trip detail by FOAPA for the projected travel spend including if the
data is from Travel Request or Expense.
The parameters: