November 13-14, 1999 Minutes

Board of Regents


Retreat of the

University of Alaska Board of Regents

November 13-14, 1999

Girdwood, Alaska


Regents Present:
Michael J. Burns, Chair
Elsa Froehlich Demeksa, Vice Chair
Mary Jane Fate, Secretary
Chancy Croft, Treasurer
Joshua B. Horst
Robert A. Malone
R. Danforth Ogg
Brian D. Rogers
Frances H. Rose
Joe J. Thomas
Joseph E. Usibelli, Jr.

Mark R. Hamilton, Chief Executive Officer and President, University of Alaska

Others Present:
Bob Atkinson, Facilitator
Jeannie D. Phillips, Board of Regents' Officer

I. Call to Order

Retreat was called to order at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 13, 1999.

II. Adoption of Agenda


"The Board of Regents adopts the agenda as presented.

I. Call to Order

II. Adoption of Agenda

III. Discussion on Board Roles and Responsibilities

IV. Discussion on Strategic Planning

V. Discussion on Allocating and Managing Finances

VI. Discussion on Process for Board Self-Appraisal

VII. Discussion on Creating a Shared Vision

VIII. Adjourn

This motion is effective November 13, 1999."

III. Discussion on Board Roles and Responsibilities

The Board reviewed an Eli Lilly Foundation list of model board responsibilities and adopted it with slight modifications.

Each regent scored each Board responsibility on importance and on current board performance. Scores were tallied and discussed. After discussion, three responsibilities were chosen as priority areas needing improvement:

~ Develop, approve and revise the organization's strategic plan.

~ Secure, allocate and manage financial resources.

~ Annually appraise strengths, weaknesses, adequacy of composition and overall performance.

IV. Discussion on Strategic Planning

The Board agreed that the following process will be used for strategic planning:

1. Full Board will hold periodic sessions to create and/or refresh the mission and vision of UA.

2. The Planning and Development Committee will propose, for adoption by the Board, goals, measures and targets as distilled from the above vision.

3. Once goals, measures, and targets are adopted, the Planning and Development Committee will track planned vs. actual performance.

The Board will have in-depth assessment of progress against the plan in one dedicated session per year, incorporating a report out of the Planning and Development Committee.

V. Discussion on Allocating and Managing Finances

The Board agreed that the following process will be used for obtaining; allocating and managing finances:

~ The Board will initiate a focused effort on development, which may evolve into a standing committee at a later time. This effort should have the involvement of Board members who are on the UA Foundation's Board of Trustees.

~ The Board will include funding and financial indicators as part of a comprehensive, standardized reporting mechanism it will develop as a tool for governing the University and ensuring that UA is on track for achieving the Board's vision. The goal is to "elevate, clarify and simplify what the Board looks at." The product will be 1-2 page periodic report that will include a set of performance indicators (i.e. "gauges") and a value-added analysis of highlights and variances. These performance indicators will embody goals and measures distilled from the Board's vision. Examples of possible indicators in the funding / financial area include:

~ amount of funds by source versus benchmark;

~ amount of funds by source versus historical amount;

~ plan budget versus actual spend.

~ The Board will identify low-value reports included in "UA in Review" and suggest their elimination in order to free up staff's time for the compilation and analysis necessary to create the above comprehensive reporting mechanism.

~ The Board will consider participating in an "Orientation to the University and its Budget" as a one-time way to quickly and efficiently get 'up the learning curve' on financial matters.

VI. Discussion on Process for Board Self-Appraisal

The Board agreed that the following process will be used for Board self-appraisal:

~ The Board will hold an annual appraisal meeting. This annual appraisal will:

~ Incorporate input from students, faculty and administration in addition to self-appraisal.

~ Use a set format to allow trending.

~ Assess conformance to bylaws, constitution, etc.

~ Assess effectiveness of Board processes.

~ Assess fulfillment of tasks agreed to at this retreat.

~ The Board will establish an electronic bulletin board to allow peer feedback.

~ The Board will institutionalize an annual retreat.

~ The Board will make time available for informal information sharing in conjunction with Board meetings.

VII. Discussion on Creating a Shared Vision

The University mission was reviewed and then each regent wrote their vision for UA in the year 2005. These vision elements were then posted and categorized into final vision categories; summaries of each category were as follows:

~ Planning-We will have a planning process that is growing, alive, responsive, meets the needs of the State, and is a vital part of what we are.

~ Curriculum-We will ensure that the needs of Alaska and its citizens are being met by our programs; and in particular, that the community college mission is as invigorated as it needs to be.

~ Technology/Facilities-We will be on the forefront of distance delivery, maintenance and repair is being taken care of, technology needs are being met.

~ Faculty-We will have a highly developed, nourished, enriched and satisfied faculty.

~ Funding-We will receive funding from various sources, and to do that, we will sell our relevancy.

~ Students-We will be the institution of choice; will be caring, accessible and diverse; and will offer the best and most responsive course offerings.

~ Relationships to Constituencies-We will have expanded our relationships with constituencies so that our role is broadly defined as the 'brain and conscience' of the State of Alaska.

VIII. Adjourn

The retreat was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 14, 1999.