
Board of Regents
Special Meeting of the
Planning & Development Committee
Friday, November 14, 1997; 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Chancellor's Conference Room, Administration Building
University of Alaska Anchorage
Anchorage, Alaska


Committee Members:

Sharon D. Gagnon, Chair
Chancy Croft
Mary Jane Fate
Michael P. Kelly
R. Danforth Ogg

I. Call to Order

II. Adoption of Agenda


"The Planning and Development Committee adopts the agenda as presented:

I. Call to Order
II. Adoption of Agenda
III. Recommendations from President Komisar Regarding the Final Report from the Committee on Potential Savings through Changes in the Role and Mission of System Office and Campus Administrative Processes
IV. Special Committee Progress Reports

A. Committee on Development of a Resource Allocation Model and Academic Program Paradigm for the University's Extended Campuses
B. Committee on Recommendation on UA's Investment in Instructional Equipment & Organization of Efforts in Distance Education
C. Committee on Development and Recommendation of a Resource Allocation Model for the University

V. Adjourn

This motion is effective November 14, 1997."

III. Recommendations from President Komisar Regarding the Final Report from the Committee on Potential Savings through Changes in the Role and Mission of System Office and Campus Administrative Processes
References 1-4

President Komisar will present his recommendations regarding potential administrative savings, based upon the special committee final report, public testimony and consultation with the chancellors.

References included are as follows:

Reference 1 - Summary of Planning & Development Committee meeting of October 29, 1997 (follows this agenda).

Reference 2 - Written comments received from the public regarding the report (also on file in the Board of Regents' Office).

Reference 3 - Final Report from the Committee on Potential Savings (can be accessed from home page menu.)

Reference 4 - Recommendations from President Komisar (can be accessed from home page menu).

IV. Special Committee Progress Reports

A. Committee on Development of a Resource Allocation Model and Academic Program Paradigm for the University's Extended Campuses

Marshall Lind, Chair, will report on the progress of his committee.

B. Committee on Recommendation on UA's Investment in Instructional Equipment & Organization of Efforts in Distance Education

The Systemwide Academic Council will report on the progress of his committee.

C. Committee on Development and Recommendation of a Resource Allocation Model for the University

Lee Gorsuch, Chair, will report on the progress of his committee.

V. Adjourn


University of Alaska Board of Regents
Planning and Development Committee
October 29, 1997

Meeting Summary

The Planning and Development Committee:

--Heard and discussed the preliminary report of the Committee on the Redesign of the System Office and Campus-based Administrative Cost Savings.

--Congratulated Committee Chair Joan Wadlow, committee members David Creamer, Michael Rice, Carol Griffin, William Rose, Frank Williams, John Pugh and staff members John Leipzig and Stan Vaughn, on their serious and professional work.

--Voiced individual reactions and preferences to serve as guidelines in the completion of the report.

--Discussed the steps to be followed in the completion of the report:

1. The Board of Regents' Planning and Development Committee will hold statewide hearings on the preliminary report on November 4 and November 7.

2. Revisions to the preliminary report based on comments received from the public and the Board of Regents will be completed by the Committee on the Redesign of the System Office and Campus-based Administrative Cost-Savings by November 7, 1997 and submitted to President Komisar.

3. President Komisar and the chancellors will present their recommendations to the Board of Regents' Planning and Development Committee on November 14. These recommendations and the final report of Chancellor Wadlow's committee will be given wide distribution prior to the regents' committee.

4. The Board of Regents will review the Planning and Development Committee's findings and recommendations at its November 20-21 meeting.